Hey - Chapter 39

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Hey - Chapter 39

"This is a sticky situation you guys are in."

"Tell me about it. I don't know what to do."

"Well, do you actually like Liam? Or is it just a crush?"

"If I say that I honestly don't feel anything romatic toward him, will you be mad?"


"I have the right to remain silent."

"I told you to be careful. You two are friends, and you're hurting him by not being honest with him."

"It's not like he's always telling me he likes me whenever we're on dates, or even mentioning something he likes about me."

"He's a shy guy."

"We know Liam, Harry. You more than me, but we both know he's not shy about letting others know he likes them."

"I have to go."


"Zayn's place, we're watching a movie."

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