Hey - Chapter 28

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Hey - Chapter 28

"You seem oddly fine with me and Liam being closer than normal."

"Do I?"


"Sorry, sorry. But in all seriousness, I am cool with it. Still upset over him stealing your first kiss though."

"Hmm, you'd think I should be the one upset about it rather than you... Why the change of heart, when a month ago you told me to be careful."

"You act and look like you genuinely like him."

"I do."

"Aww, baby brother getting all shy, cute."

"You're younger than me!"

"Look at you getting all red, lemme squish your cheeks."

"Stop it."

"What's going on here?"

"Harry's being mean to me, make him stop, Zayn."

"Nah, you're such a cutie when you get all shy."

"Fight me."

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