Let me Watch you

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We sat opposite each other, our feet tangled together as we did so. My back rested against the headboard, giving me support as I hunched over, my hands roaming my own body. Justin sat against the frame of the bed, his hands working himself slowly. He was completely open to my sight.

I felt my nerves shoot through me as this new event took place. The feeling of Justin's eyes burning into my body caused both worry and excitement. I ran my left hand across my boob, pinching my nipples slightly.

I heard Justin let out a soft groan of pleasure. I watched him and felt the urge to help him, but instantly remembered the point of this; Justin thought it would be exciting to watch each other, his point was being proven correct. I bit down on my bottom lip, almost hard enough to draw blood, as I watched his long length being stroked by his hand.

"Oh, fuck." He whispered, breaking through the creeping silence, completely shattering it. He leaned his head forward and rested his eyes on me. "Don't be nervous, babygirl. I know you've done this alone before, the only difference is, I get the pleasure of watching this time." A smirk curved at his lips, making me shudder. "Touch yourself, princess." His eyes constantly flicked up and down, almost like he wasn't sure what brought him most pleasure; seeing my facial expression or watching what I was doing with my hand.

I traced my fingers along my clit, letting out a gasp when I felt the small string of pleasure buzz through me. I heard Justin hum as I began rubbing circles, starting off slowly. "Shit." I whimpered, breathing a little heavier. I heard the identifiable sound of Justin pumping his dick, making my legs involuntarily squeeze together.

I watched him let out a low breath. "Fuck, it's almost unbearable to watch you like this; I just wanna come over there and fuck you senseless." He growled, his hand sped up its actions as his eyes sent an aroused stare to my own. "I need you. I don't care, I don't care how tired you are after this, I'm going to make you feel even better than you're making yourself feel right now." He took his bottom lip into his mouth while he continued to watch me.

I threw my head back slowly, indulging in the feeling. I felt sparks of energy shoot through me. "Justin," I gasped, and watched how his hand movements gained speed as he witnessed me.

"Talk to me, princess." His breath was heavy. "Tell me about what you do to yourself when you're alone." I noticed the shine that was beginning to appear on his forehead. The sweat ran down his skin.

I hesitated and felt my cheeks heat up if I could blush I would bright red, despite already being completely open to him. "I touch myself, just like this," I felt my fingers plunging deep inside of myself, rubbing against my walls. "And I think about you, about being close to you and feeling you against me." I was breathless at this point, Justin's stare continued to burn into me.

"Oh, look at you." Almost silently, Justin let out a growl. I let my gaze settle on the colour of his eyes and the way they still shone so bright, but I couldn't help but be introduced to the way his eyes scanned me; as though there was nothing else to look at, nothing better.

My back arched when I ran my fingers up and down my clit, I felt the pounding in my chest only showing signs of increasing as I pulled my feet closed to me, giving Justin a somewhat better view.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" Despite the love in his words, I could sense he couldn't keep his eyes on one part of my body, and I found myself adoring the way he trembled as he came closer. His hand fell to the bed sheets, gripping them in the palm of his hand. "Oh, b-baby." His words were mixed with the moans that were also escaping involuntarily, I whimpered at the look on his face as he worked himself.

"You're so fucking attractive when you're close to an orgasm; I don't think there's anything better." I pressed two fingers inside of myself as I finished my sentence, feeling the rigidness of my fingers against my walls but wishing to feel the length and thickness of Justin's in their place.

"You're close." Justin held his breath, almost like he was trying to hold himself together, as though if he, even as so much, breathed he'd fall apart. "Fuck, please tell me you're close." He scrunched his eyes together, causing his nose to form wrinkles that looked like tiny rivers down the surface of his skin.

Images, voices, scenarios made their way into my head, almost urging and pushing me to cum. I was aware Justin was ready and waiting to feel the waves of pleasure through his body, and I felt the pressure of trying to reach my peak to let go with him.

I heard Justin's continuous moans and grunts that seemed to fall perfectly into rhythm with his hand reaching the bottom of his length, I let out my own voicing of pleasure and found my legs shaking uncontrollably while I gripped the material beneath me, feeling my veins burning with fire as I came onto the sheets.

We suddenly fell silent. My feet dropped to the bed and I became limp, already feeling fatigue wash over my body. I let out a hum of contentment before clambering to my feet to make my way to the ensuite. I felt the coldness of the room hit me instantly, causing me to quickly wash my hands and practically run back to the warmth of the bed. Smiling, I let out a sigh of relief when the covers wrapped around my body.

I heard Justin shuffling but found myself not moving, he came into my eyesight for a short amount of time before disappearing into the ensuite as I did a few seconds ago. I closed my eyes and listened to Justin's soft humming that echoed in the bathroom along with the running of the tap.

When he'd finished and closed the door, he proceeded to the bed. He lifted the sheets that I had only just pulled up to my chin to get comfortable, causing a gust of wind to travel up my back when he let it drop on top of his body. Not even a second passed before I felt the warmth of his hands around my bare waist.

"Thank you," His voice was hoarse in my ear, causing me to wince. He left a soft kiss on my shoulder and pulled me impossibly close.

"What for?" I turned to face him, moving into him. I admired the tattoo on his chest, running my fingertips across it.

"I know you were a little unsure about doing that so openly, and you didn't have to but you did, so thank you." I felt his hand move passed my waist and to my ass, grabbing it softly. He moved closer to my ear. "You did great, babygirl."


hey guys I know it's been a while but I've been really busy with school, I didn't write this one completely, but I liked the story so I thought I'd change it a little bit and turn it in to a pref, So untill next time

xoxox - Felicia 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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