There's Always A Beginning

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There are always beginnings through our life, always a start to things, and just like beginnings, there are also endings. I know endings so well that I now never worry about beginnings anymore, what purpose would I have to start a good beginning only to have a bad ending. I don't want another night where the world around me crashes and burns, where I am left in the depths of my own sadness. Sometimes it's hard to think someone like me could feel like this, a monster with emotions.

I began in the shadows and there it will also be my ending. I have no between for it's just how it has to be, the way it needs to be. Shadows are where I preside, seeking comfort in the power that I receive from them. My mode of travel isn't limited to this although for I am able to create voids and open any door to where I please. I am the Bogeyman's daughter, taking a step at a time to follow the legacy he left behind for me. He was the original embodiment of fear worldwide and now I am the new embodiment in place of a dead ruler. Yes, my father met his ending leaving me to pick up the pieces and do what I was raised to do, what I was craving to be.


Thunder rumbled in the distance sending a little chill down my spine in the chilly air, it was getting colder out here lately in the woods, the season of snow is coming while Autumn was just about finished. Grabbing my cloak from the back of my chair I leaned forward placing it over my shoulders and wrapping my body in its warm confinements. Gaze shifting over to the candle on my table the light flicker and shift casting weird shadows on the walls. It was getting late, father should be on his way back now I thought to myself boredly. Walking over to the window I watched the sky light up with lightning before thunder clapped in response, the woods where dark and barely anything moved, an occasional squirrel or deer darted away when they spotted me. I heard a single and weird loud thud knocked on my bedroom door which caused me to shift and look at the dark wood and metal handle expectantly. Father would always knock a random tune, a little warning for me, before peering into my room; a way of saying 'Hey I'm coming in, be decent'. I waited for one of his random tunes but was confused when none came. I walked slowly from the window, setting the curtain back, before going to the door. I had no clue what I was walking into and I had no fear, my hand clasped against the door handle feeling the cold metal transfer into my hand. Slowly I began to twist the handle and stopped when I heard a cry of despair, quickly I opened the door and looked straight out at my father's black trench coat and his tall figure in my doorway. I went to speak when his body slowly started to crumble and fall backward into my room, with quick feet I jumped to the side with eyes wide in shock. His body made a hard thud against the wooden floor making me wince some, my gaze shifting over his pale body only to stop when a trickle of blood escaped a gaping hole in his head. I couldn't really think or breath as I saw his still open glazed over eyes staring at me, green lights within them slowly flickering out. He was in his half form of course which would be a terrifying experience for it, not one close to my very own. His skin was a sickly gray with pitch black hair curling up in random areas, his six eyes -three on one side and three on the other- were once a bright neon green but now where dulling down and fading to only two dark forest green eyes. His sharp fangs were covered in blood, which was smeared everywhere across his chin and cheeks. Claws adorn human flesh underneath them and shredded cloth hooked on a single claw. He was dressed in black pants and black trench coat without a shirt underneath. He seemed just fine, alive even although slowly, just like his eyes, his skin went white and his body relaxed his mouth gaped up at me as a single breath left his lips. My eyes were wide open gazing at the scene before me, my father was... dead. Looking through the door to the woman who held a pistol in her hands, tears staining her cheeks with two crying children latched to her. I watched as my vision blurred and danced around before becoming clear again when the tears had fell final. I felt completely shocked, it was never once a single thought of this happening, we couldn't die! We can't die at all no matter what! So why is my father on the ground dead? Taking a shuddering breath my legs gave and slammed right next to the puddle of blood that was forming around my father's head. My body shook violently and I let out a cry of pain when it finally hit me of what was before me.

"Girl, are you ok?" The woman asked as she stood the pistol still in her hands. I looked back up and finally saw the symbols in the room, the energy she gave off. My despair gave way to anger making me glare at her my hands now balled up next to my father's arm.

"You witch!" My voice grew dark while the candle flickered casting an eerie light within the room. The shadows curled and moved like they were alive making the children scream and the woman to jump. A strong gust of wind swept through the room making the candle go out as my eyes open and a blood-red light filled the room. Gazing up at the witch she gave a startled intake of air while pointing the gun at me with shaking hands. Giving a glare I bared my now sharp teeth in a sneer,

"Y-you killed my Father!" Tears flooded out of my eyes and down my face, dripping onto the floor. The woman over came with fear, I could smell it.

"H-he has a daugh-" She began to speak making me give an inhuman growl that left her slowly sinking down to the ground in complete fright. Standing I walked towards the door and grabbed it tightly my metal claws wanting to sink into her flesh and tear her children apart right in front of her eyes.

"I'm going to kill you." My voice rose as manic laughter left my lips and the door silently closed cutting out her scream of terror. My eyes dulled and my body became weak when I turned around to see that my father was in fact really dead, that this wasn't a bad dream. Crouching before my dead father I looked quickly over his body before letting out a single strangled cry from my throat. Grasping his hand tightly in mine I shook my head and hovered over him almost unable to breathe.

"No, daddy..." Wiping my eyes and taking a deep breath I placed a hand on his chest and choked on my cry when no heartbeat welcomed me, letting out a weird cry I put my head on his chest gripping his coat in my other hand. My eyes closed to block the sight before me yet the smell of his blood was enough to make me cry harder in till it was almost a screaming wail. This was my Fathers Ending and my new Beginning, one that I had hoped I wouldn't have to start so soon. He was the only person who loved me, and now he was gone leaving me all alone.

"I'll get revenge daddy, so rest and maybe one day we will meet once again?"


Author's note 🐰
Thank you for reading the first chapter! Feedback is welcomed.

Alyssa Black is my OC I claim nothing else!

Alyssa: You know you would love to claim something else~ *wink*

Riot: Shush I have plenty of things I would love to claim!

Alyssa: That's for sure I swear your laptop is just swimming in Fan Ar-

Riot: Shut up Alyssa! *slaps hand over Alussa's mouth earning a glare in return*

A-Anyways I hope that you enjoyed a little background, there will, of course, be more later on.

-Riot The Glitch

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