Welcome Home

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The dark night sky glittering with stars and illuminating moon, that was truly all that I really needed to see, yet with the thick layer of pollution in the air made this in fact nearly impossible to do without getting a headache at all the squinting and awkward head angles. Rubbing my temples, my lips pressed into a thin line while my eye scrunched up, headaches are the worse. It wasn't the matter of being able to see in the dark, I could do that just fine anyways, it was just my eyes after all. Abandoning the thought of trying to even look up at the night sky anymore I continued to walk down the street with a set destination on mind, the whole reason why I was really here in New York. I would have loved to walk all the way there but of course I was too excited to just walk through Manhattan.

I didn't really have a home but I had a certain friend that I was missing, I've been gone for almost a whole year without once stopping in or making myself known. I've been gone long enough to cause weird aching voids within my chest, something I wasn't very comfortable with. I didn't know what the hell it was. Hell I don't even know what I was feeling much less how to react! All I knew is that it's too unsettling to deal with this while on the road I traveled, so now I'm going back in hopes that this feeling will go away. Heading over to a homely looking building I looked inside the window to see several people at tables eating, drinking, and being over all happy; that pang hit me again leaving me to place a hand on my chest and frown slightly. Letting that pain keep me stuck on the spot just a bit longer while I stared at one family that was sitting right next to the window I peered into; I've had enough of watching these mundies talk. Reaching my hand out I grasped the metal handle twisting and pushing it inwards opening the door slowly. What once was the cheerful restaurant was now a lonely street with an iron gate across the street with trees in the front lawn and the lights brightly lit. Gazing back at the window, back at that family, a small child no older than seven turned in his seat about to eat his food when he noticed me. His gaze went straight to me with a questioning look on his face before glancing at the door shocked when he was unable to see me in the doorway of the restaurant. Of course I let my playful side come out and my eyes flashed bright yellow while giving a smile showing my sharp pointed teeth. The kid jump back with a scream causing people to stop and stare over at him and see what was going on, stepping through the door and out of it before anyone could see me. Letting the door close behind me with a jingle of a bell my gaze shifted over the area before looking back to see a shop with a closed sign over the door and all the lights completely off. Making voids come together and manipulating the space between them so that I may travel was fun and easy to do, if you have my blood its something you are born with and if you have my blood you are also more prone to scaring the shit out of people just for the hell of it, it was sort of what I was made for...

Crossing the road silently, while looking between the gate fence I could see two people standing by the stairs near the front entrance to the Luxury Apartments. Right away my eyes lit up and that feeling was slowly disappearing. So this was something he could fix? How strange... Melding with the shadows my body was gone making it easy to phase through the gate and towards them without so much as a single noise which left me perfectly undetected. Slowly my arm reached out of the shadows towards my victim and touched the ground softly while my body was being pushed up and melting back into my form. Standing with my head tilted down my hand reached out slowly, my fingers outstretched towards the man. He was dressed in black dress pants, black dress shoes, a white button up shirt with rolled up sleeves at his elbows, and he had on a dark red tie that stood out in comparison to his light brown hair that curled up at the ends. He was hunched over slightly his hands crossed leaving his body tense and strangely unaware of my presence. The woman next to him turned to the side looking at Bigby only to stop shocked as my yellow eyes glowed and narrowed at the back of his head. I lunged forward before she could do anything or say anything, my hands wrapping around his waist while he took a step forward from the impact.

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