Part Four

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You picked up one of the insignificant pebbles, and winded back your arm. And futilely tried to break his concentration from TinkerBull.

You must be more of an optimist than you originally thought, seeing as how you beloved that something as basic as that would work.

With no real options left, you begrudgingly try to bang on Tavros's door, again.

**Tavros's POV**

Playing with your lusus was always fun, but you still needed to get ready for when (Y/N) shows up.

"mAYBE LATER, tINKERBULL," you whisper to your fun-loving lusus, as he keeps nudinging you to play a game.

Your playful lusus eventually flew away to take a nap, leaving you time you prepare for (A/N)'s arrival. Quickly you double checked Trolli-oh man you're in trouble. (A/N) was trolling you the entire time you were goofing off.

Swiftly (or as swiftly as you can manage) you put on some clothes you had lying around, so you could be decent at least.

As you transition to the lower floor of your hive, you can begin to hear the tell tale signs of a disgruntled (A/N). They start becoming more apparent once

Upon opening the door, (A/N) was fuming. Before you were even able to properly greet her, you were cut off by her comments.

"hELLO, (A/N) wELC-" You tried.

**Back to the Reader's point of view**

"Tavros, old friend, I hope you know exactly how long I've been waiting here," You started with a menacing smile, successfully cutting him off. "It's been a good solid 30 minutes. I've been waiting for you for 30 minutes. What were you doing this whole time Tavros?" You asked, clenching your fists in anger.

"wELL, i WAS,, uH, pLAYING WITH tINKERBULL" He informed self-consciously. You just couldn't say mad at this adorable little troll, especially not when he seemed to feel really bad about what happened.

You sigh, "I guess that's okay, but please, for the love of gog, keep track of the time better"


"That sounds about right." You smiled.

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