Part Five

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***A new update? 3 years later? It's more common than you think.***

Stepping into Tavros's hive was familiar, messy with cards and marbles scattered about, with the faint scent of the stray animals the Tavros likes to keep, but nevertheless you felt at home here. This was a place we here Tavros could embrace his quirks, rather than just cowering from them. thinking of how he manages like that only reinforces the love you feel for him. You steal a glance back at Tav, who is smiling faintly at the Pupa Pan poster hanging in the room. He seemed to have been lost in thought as you clear your throat in order to grab his attention.

"So, Tavros..." You started, only to be interrupted by him, bouncing out of his stupor.

"sORRY,,, i GOT A LITTLE DISTRACTED, i DID HAVE A, uHH,, REASON TO CALL YOU OVER,, dONT WORRY." He motions for you to sit in a dusty bean bag in the corner of his hive. You attempt to knock off some of the debris, but to your dismay, a colony of dust bunnies appears just as you're seated. Tavros giggles at your fruitless attempt, " gEE, i GUESS IT HAS BEEN A WHILE SINCE I LAST USED THAT,,," he gives the wheelchair a firm pap.

"Would it kill you to clean this place once in a while?" You're both smiling now, it feels natural for you to be so close right now. "Anyway, let's get down to business. What are our plans for the day?" Lounging around all day would be just fine with you, but Tavros seemed to have an objective for today when he texted you.

"oH,, uHH, rIGHT,, i FORGOT ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE," he wheels over to the desk hosting his computer and rummages around for a moment, "i JUST WANTED TO, yOU KNOW,, uH, wORK ON MY fLARPING SKILLS." He finally put on a crumpled Pupa Pan hat, from the desk. Tavros often uses the hat to feel braver because if Pupa Pan could do something, then so could he, as long as he wore the hat, of course.

"Sounds like fun, I used to Flarp a lot when I was younger, but I just haven't had the time recently." You were starting to get excited at the prospect of flarping with Tavros, that is something you could bond through, and become even closer. "What specifically do you want to work on?"

Tavros was pink-faced and his eyes started to dart around the hive avoiding you. "i HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS,, uH, sTORY IDEA,,, aND I WANTED TO, uH, mAYBE,,, tRY IT OUT WITH YOU," His pink pigment only intensified as you accepted his flarp proposal.

"Alright! So what would you like me to do?"

"yOU CAN JUST STAY THERE, fOR NOW, aND I WILL, uH,, i AM GOING TO BE rUFIOH." Tavros seemed to be psyching himself up, "tHE SCENARIO IS ABOUT rUFIOH RELAYING SOME,, uH, IMPORTANT INFORMATION TO HIS FRIEND," Tavros started drumming his fingers on the wheelchair.

"Begin whenever you're ready."

"oKAY," He started to muster up the courage, standing tall and flaring his wings like Rufioh, "i MIGHT NOT BE THE BEST WITH WORDS,,, aND FLARPING MIGHT BE KIND OF SILY,, aND I KNOW YOU DO NOT FEEL THE SAME BUT,,," Tavros' words were rushed, but were booming as he focused on being Rufioh, "i REALLY LOVE YOU,, (y/n)" You blushed deeply, unsure if Tavros meant for this to be his confession.

Your head started to spin, thinking that he actually liked you, let alone love you. "That's pretty good Tavros, it sounds like you're super prepared for the next flarping session."

"(y/n) i WAS BEING SERIOUS,,, i LOVE YOU," Tavros' face is bright as a tomato and he can't look into your eyes.

At this point, you are just as flustered as him and are at a loss for words, "I-I love you too, T-Tavros. I have for such a long t-time now." Somehow the words slipped out and you reached your hand out for him. Tavros grasped it and you both sat in silence trying to comprehend what happened.

Tinkerbull wafted into the hive and sat on your lap. "He must like me," you noted.

"i HOPE SO,, hE IS GOING TO BEING SEEING A LOT MORE OF YOU NOW," The both of you flushed red and lived on happily ever after.


*** I had thought about updating this many times, but it always felt so awkward and robotic, so I eventually gave up, and would think about this story when I looked back on shenanigans I did when I was younger. When I started writing this chapter I had just gotten notifications about somebody commenting on the story, and they mentioned how it's been 2 years and it would probably not get updated. I laughed about it at first because it's very difficult for me to finish things, just because I get distracted by other goings-on, but I resolved to at least give this a proper ending. Thanks for everyone's support, it's honestly kind of crazy that this story still gets read by all of you fantastic people. <3 ***

****Side A/N****

**** I know it's still not perfect, but my writing style has improved a lot over these past years, in my opinion at least."

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