I'm His Prize (Ayato X Reader)

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"Come on, (Y/N)!" Ayato screamed room the court but I paid no attention to him whatsoever. I was stuck with Ayato in the basketball court. Right now, I was ignoring him while I was in my computer doing work. He was trying to make me play basketball with him.

"(Y/N)! PAY ATTENTION TO ORE-SAMA!" He yelled and I wince slightly. I hear hurried footsteps then my computer was out of my sight. "Hey!" I said looking at sexy sweating looking Ayato. "Finally! Put some attention to Yours Truly, when he's talking to you!" He said putting my computer in my bag. I groaned and crossed my arms.

"Well, now that you have my attention. What do you want?" I said. "To play with me!" He said and I laughed. "No"

"Why?!" He said pouting in a cute way. "Because I'm bad at playing basketball" I said. "I'll teach you" He said. "Really?" I said and he nodded. I sighed and nodded.

"Okay, I'm playing with you" And in seconds, I was pulled to the court.


After playing for like 15 minutes, he offered to play a match. Of course, I refused. I wouldn't embarrass myself in front of my crush. Yes, I had a crush on Ayato since I started to live in the Sakamaki mansion.

After him begging for 2 minutes, I gave up.

"Fine! I'll play a match but go soft with me." I said and he smirked.

"Sure" That wasn't very convincing. Before we started playing, he said.

"How about a bet?" He said and I tilted my head. "Okay..."

"If I win, I'll do anything you want with you, and if you win, I'll do anything you want." He said and raised his hand to shake it. I looked at it. Well, life isn't fun without some dangers, so I shook his hand.

I seriously shouldn't have done that. My phone ringed signaling that the timer is over. We played for 15 minutes and he won.

"Tch, I told you that I wasn't good at this" I said puffing my cheeks out. He smirked and chuckled. "What should I do with you?" He said rubbing his hands together. I shrugged and walked to where my backpack was. And out of thinking and logic, I removed my school sweater.

I had and idea. How about a nice shower? We had a girls' bathroom in our gym. I smiled at the idea of taking a cold shower. I took my things and walked to the bathroom.

I could take a quick shower and go back to Ayato. There was nobody here so I could really enjoy my shower. I quickly undress myself and turn on the water. I switched between hot and cold to make the temperature right.

I moaned quietly and the water hit my body relaxing me.

I started massaging my shoulders and arms. I smiled as I enjoyed the water. I started humming and dancing.

I was interrupted by someone's hand in my mouth. I looked at the person behind this and I was met with some emerald eyes. Ayato.

"Mmmm!" I tried to say something but it came out muffled by his hand. He was naked! I took a quick view of his body.

"Do you like what you see?" He said smirking and I blushed heavily.

"I'm going to let you go but if you scream you'll regret it" He said and I nodded. He slowly took his hand off my mouth but was replaced by his lips. My eyes went wide and I gasped as I felt his hand in my left breast and give it a slight squeeze.

"Ayato" I moaned between the kiss and I could feel his member poking my leg making me blush harder. He deepened the kiss by grabbing my head and pushed me harder against him.

We parted for air and we looked at each other. Something came over me and I started grinding against him. His member rubbing against my lips making us both moan.

"Stop or I'm going to take you dry here" He said and I smirked. I went down in my knees and looked at his dick. I started licking the top and went to the base making Ayato groan.

I took him all full and I gagged a little bit but I relaxed my throat. I started bobbing my head making Ayato moan louder and started bucking his hips matching my bobs.

After what seem seconds, Ayato came in my mouth. "Swallow" He said and I nodded. And I did as told, he tasted sweet. I stood up and I was pinned against the wall. I gasped as I felt Ayato started rubbing my clit making me shiver.

"Nn, Ayato" I moan and with that I could feel he got aroused again.

He inserted one finger making me moan louder, he started pumping them and added another 2 fingers. I moved my hips and he hit my g-spot.

I screamed in pleasure as I hit my climax.

"Good to know you're ready" He said and picked me up by my things and was put against the wall again. "Let me make you feel good" He said and he thrusted all the way into me making me scream.

Ayato kissed me. "Shh, keep it down" He said and started thrusting out and in. I could feel his cock entering my wet cunt. I moaned and clawed into his back. He leaned into me and sank his fangs near my breast.

It feel good and bad at the same time. He put me down and I was turned around. I put my hand against the wall and he entered me from behind hitting spots that nothing could touch beside him.

"Mmm, Ayato" I said and he pulled me by the hair. "Do you like this?" He said in a husky voice and I answered him by moaning. He went at an insane speed and let go of my hair but started spanking me. I moaned as I felt good when he started spanking me.

"I'm-m close-e. I'm cum-ming inside you-u" He said and I didn't care at that point.

"Say my name" He said slowing down.

"Ayato" I said between heavy pants.

"Louder" He said and started going a little fast again.

"Ayato!" I said louder but it wasn't enough for him.

"Louder!" He said spanking me.

"AYATO!!" I screamed and he thrusted like an animal in and out of me. I screamed again in pleasure. I fell his hot seed fill me up and I came too all over his cock.

We slid down and let the water shower us.

"That is my prize" He said hugging me and kissing me and I kissed back.

"We should play more often" I said smirking.

"Let's go to the house to get round 2~" He said and I nodded.

Hey! Jackie here! Here's my first lemon in this book. Hope you like it!

And stay tuned for Angel's lemon!




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Love ya!~

Until next lemon!

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