The Wrong Ingredient (Reiji x Reader)

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You were terribly bored and would do anything to relieve yourself of it. You walked around the mansion then stopped when you heard glass shattering behind a door you had just passed. You back tracked to the door and peaked inside. From what you could see the room was scattered with books and open containers of different substances. You looked longer than you should have and sudden the door was swung open by another force causing you to call onto the ground. You groaned at the sudden impact Then looked up. In front of your face, inches from your nose, were shoes. You looked further up and you could see Reiji glaring down at you. "It's rude to spy" He commented roughly pulling you off the ground.

"I-I wasn't spying. I just heard a crash and-" You frantically tried to explain but he cut you off.

"Excuses won't get you anywhere."

You looked down at the ground defeated. "Yes sir..."

He sighed "Since you're here you could at least make yourself useful."

"What would you like me to do?"

"Just clean up, it's a mess"

You quickly nodded to his command and began working. You started with the books putting them in the bookshelves where they belong. After, you moved onto the different substances that littered the room. You had picked up two in your hand, one labeled arugula and the other was mint. To get to the cabinet that they belonged in she had to walk past Reiji. She sighed and silently prayed she wouldn't be the klutz she was known to be. She walked past him then tripped over his foot making the two containers fall out of her hand and spill open.

"You imbecile! Can you not perform such simple tasks?!" He scolded the fear of his voice persuading you to quickly pick up the ingredients. You were unsure which of the leaves were which but continued not wanting to further fuel his wrath. You put the ingredients back into the containers then placed them on the shelf. You continued working not tripping over him or anything else again.

You sighed as you finished cleaning then walked over to him. "Anything else you would like?"

"Get me the mint from the cabinet" He gestured towards the cabinet where you had put all the ingredients. You walked over to it and gave it to him and without paying attention he took a hand full of it and dropped it into the beaker. After he added the "mint" he took the beaker off the flame and poured his concoction into a tea cup. He handed it to me with his hard gaze. "Drink it."

You hesitantly took the cup from him. "Drink all of it" He clarified using his cold stare, daring you to question him. You drank all of it despite it's bitter taste and set it on the table. "Stay in here so I can observe it's effects." You followed his command and sat on the couch. Not knowing what to do you twiddled your thumbs.


It had been about half an hour since you drank Reiji's experiment and you had begun to feel a tingling feeling between your legs. Not able to resist you uncomfortably rubbed your legs together hoping for some kind of friction that would sooth your aching core. You were aware of Reiji watching you as you tried to discreetly please yourself but it only turned you on more knowing he was watching you.

The temperature in the room began to rise, well only to you, so you took of the coat you were wearing. It only seemed to get hotter and you pulled on the collar of your blouse loosening the bow on your school uniform. Reiji had stood up and walked over to you until he stood directly in front of you. "How do you feel (y/n)?"

"It's really hot..." You mumbled but it came out very seductively.

He smirked at this revelation, it wasn't the results he was expecting but this was pleasing none the less. "If you wear less clothing maybe you won't be so hot."

You nodded in agreement and fully pulled off your bow then without thought you began to unbutton your blouse. Reiji's smirk widened as he observed you undress yourself willingly. Your shirt was completely off which left you in your skirt, (f/c) bra, and matching panties. "Reiji I feel weird..." You confessed almost breathless.

"What do you mean weird?"

"I feel really hot and my püssy is aching" He was taken aback by your choice of words then quickly recovered.

"Would you like me to help you?"

"Yes, please" You practically begged causing him to chuckle.

He sat on the couch next to you then leaned in, gently kissing on you neck. You moaned softly then felt his hands travel down your torso to your thighs. You graciously spread your legs apart to which he slipped his hand between to play with your clït through your soaked panties. You moaned again your voice echoing off the walls.

"Reiji~" You moaned his name and reached over to his groin and rubbed his member through his pants earning a sharp intake of breath from him. You got off the coach and kneeled in front of him. He look down at you with wide eyes as you pulled down his zipper then tugged down his pants and boxers. His hard length sprung free and you gripped it between your hands stroking his length.

He groaned in satisfaction which urged you to please him further. You licked up and down his shaft and he moaned tangling his hands in your hair. "Shït (y/n)"

You took him deeper in your mouth and he leaned his head back in pleasure and pulled on your hair. You took his cøck in and out of your mouth and he moaned again tightening his grip. "(y/n), I'm gonna cum if you don't stop"

You giggled and smirked. "Then cüm Reiji-Kun."

"Not yet" He pulled you away from his crotch and lifted you up so he could lay you on the couch. He leaned over you trailing kiss up your stomach till he reached your chest. Reaching behind you he unclasped your bra then slipped it off of you. He admired your chest gently massaging your breast.

You moaned softly pushing your chest into his hands. He pulled down your skirt along with your panties and rubbed this tip of his cøck against your clït. "Please don't tease me." You begged and he smirked in response.

He appeased to your request and began to push into you. You moaned in pain and pleasure pushing your self against him. He groaned as he pushed into you. "You're fücking tight (y/n)."

He pushed into all the way filling you to the brim. He slowly pulled out then slammed into, then repeated this process wanting to hear you scream. He got exactly what you wanted as you screamed when he hit deep inside.

He pounded into you and slowly the pressure in your core began to build. "Reiji!" You moaned out his name and he groaned in response. He leaned up and gripped onto your thighs fücking you faster.

"You're gonna cüm, aren't you (y/n)?" You nodded in response. "Tell me!"

"Yes, yes I'm going to cüm!" You moaned out and he chuckled in satisfaction.

He turned you over to your side and held your leg to his chest. His cøck hitting deeper than before and you moaned loudly in response. His thrust soon become frantic as he pushed towards his release. "Reiji I'm coming. I'm coming!" You came with a loud moan and tightly gripping into the couch. You püssy tightened around him.

"Fücking hell (y/n)!" He came after you spilling his seed into you. He continued thrusting ridding out his orgasm along with yours. You were both breathing heavily he pulled out then stood up in all his glory leaving you a panting mess on the couch. He walked over the the cabinet and picked up the container of mint. He opened it and took a small sniff. "This isn't mint it's arugula, which is an aphrodisiac."

" mistake"

Heyo it's Angel and it's only been half an hour since Jackie updated so consider this a double chapter yay!




Request (seriously, I'm not that creative)

Lastly, stay beautiful

See you the next nightmare~

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