Bad Girl (Daddy Kink!Subaru X Reader)

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I smirked as the thought of what was I doing was wrong but it is just to tempt Subaru.

Yesterday, I lost a bet against Laito. And my punishment was to tempt Subaru to have sex. I didn't like the idea at all at first but now that I'm going to do it, it feels like an exciting thing to see.

So Laito will help me with my plan, he would make the brothers leave the mansion leaving me alone with Subaru, he would also give a 'tempting' and sexy outfit.

I was trying the outfit in my bathroom and blushed at how it looked.

"C'mon, Bitch-chan. Come out. I want to see you before I go" Did I mention that Laito was outside waiting for me to come out so he can see how it looked? No? Well, now you know. "Hold on" I said and tried to cover my butt a little more but it was impossible.

I sighed and opened the door to be met with a perverted Laito who was smirking all the way. The outfit consisted about a strapless black dress, with some pink lines going down from the chest to my knees and it had pick bows. (Sorry for the poor description but you can see the picture). I put on the cat ears headband.

"Nfu~ You look so good" He said and I shook my head. "Well, it's time. Subaru is in his room sleeping. I'll leave him to your naughty hands" He said and got out from the room. 3 minutes after, I heard the main door being shutted.

I sighed and prepared myself for what is what is about to happen.

I got out of my room and walked towards Subaru's room. I opened the door slowly and checked that Subaru was still asleep and it was true.

I closed the door and I walked towards Subaru. I saw him sleep soundly.

I slowly straddled his hips and start grinding against him. I felt as he got hard beneath his pants. I smirked at that. I leaned down but continued grinding against his bulge.

"Daddy~ Wake up~" I said in a soothing voice. He groaned and moved his hips and I moaned in his ear.

"Daddy~ I need you, please" I continued whispering into his ear. He opened his eyes and went wide as they were met with my cleavage. "(Y/N-N), what are you doing?" He said groaning as I my hand went down and started rubbing his bulge.

"Nee, Daddy. You're awake" I said going back to my original position. "Tch, look what you made" He said and I looked down at his pants.

"Undress Daddy,NOW!" He said in a demanding voice and I quickly removed his pants and boxers. I gasped mentally as I saw the size of Subaru.

"Suck it, sweetheart" He said sitting up and I nodded. I leaned down and started to suck him off. I licked a single line that had a vein and he groaned loudly as I knew that, that was his sweet spot so I decided to graze my teeth against it and he moaned.

I started bob my head up and down. I could feel that I was getting wet and he was getting harder.

"Daddy is going to cum and you have to swallow everything, okay?" He said and I nodded looking at him. I moaned into him causing vibrations. And in seconds, my throat and mouth was filled with cum.

I stood up and cleaned my lips that had leftover cum. I got out of the bed and walked over the window and saw outside but I was pinned against the wall.

"Nene, where is my baby girl going? You can't tempt Daddy like that and leave him like this" And I felt his cock rubbing in my thigh and I moaned. I was turned around and slammed again in the wall.

"Open your legs for Daddy" He said slapping my ass and I moaned and opened my legs. "Good girl"

And he removed my dress until it was pooled around my feet and I was left in nothing. My underwear was the dress soo. He started rubbing my lips and I moaned but I bit my lip so I could silence myself. He inserted one finger and then 2 making me arch my back but I still kept silence.

"Hmm, you're not moaning? I wonder why" He said and he hit my G-spot and I moaned loudly.

"There, they are. Keep them going or you'll get punished" He said and continued pumping his fingers in and out of me. I was about to cum until he took them out.

"I'll have to punish you for waking me up, you've been a bad girl, right?" Subaru said caressing my ass and then slapping it. I wince as he slapped my ass.

All of sudden, he thrusted in me really hard making me scream. He had hit the deepest spot on me making me cum in the second.

"Didn't wait for daddy?" He said and continued thrusting in me and slapping my bottom. After what seem hours, he finally came and this point my ass was sore.

"Did you learned your lesson about not waking Daddy up when he's sleeping?" He said and I nodded. He kissed passionately and I kissed back.

"I love you, my babygirl"

"I love you too, daddy"


"Wow, never Subaru got the daddy kink" Laito whispered as he watched the video he recorded when you and Subaru were having sex. 

"That's (Y/N) for you" He said and chuckled.  

Hey! Jackie here! How is it going? Well here is another lemon and don't forget to





Until next time~

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