Chasing Essence

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A/N: Omg guys I missed the dead line. Shoot, I picked the wrong time to have my phone broken and computer stolen.


"Marilyn!" I call to her. "Mary, dear, please, it's not what you think."

She doesn't respond. The door rattles slightly causing me to grow angry. I storm up the steps. Upon turning the knob I realize the door is jammed. It can't possibly be locked, there's no lock on this door, only the one downstairs.

I should've locked her in the room, but I got too excited once I heard the thunder. Everything was so perfect, there was no better opportunity than this. I don't know if a night like this will ever arise again. Therefore I have to do this soon. I'll be sure to thank Paige for her sacrifice.

I open a drawer and grab my revolver. With a single shot the knob falls from the door. I've never been one for violence, but it's inevitable when it comes to my love for Grace. Paige is in my way, she's a necessary casualty whose essence I must harbor.

I burst through the door and rush to the bottom of the stairs.

"Marilyn?" I call up to her. "Marilyn, if you would just calm down we can talk about this."

Once again I get no reply, instead she exits my study, taking me slightly by surprise. She's always been nosey. It's a problem I thought we'd fixed. Apparently she hasn't learned. But that's no bother, she'll be gone soon and Grace will take her rightful place.

Paige stares at me blankly, her face showing no clear emotion. Her eyes are red with fallen tears. A pinch at my heart pulls my eyes away from her. When she's gone, Grace will love me like that.

I raise my gun, hoping to halt her movements. This seems to only frighten her as she takes off in the direction of our room.

"Good god, Marilyn." I sigh as I follow her. Maybe holding the gun out like I was about to shoot her might not have been the best idea.

I turn the knob and am greeted with a locked door. I should've seen it coming but it was at least worth a try. I kick the door but it doesn't budge. It's not until my body makes hard contact with the wood that it bursts open.

Once I steady myself I find that the room is empty. Paige is nowhere in sight. The wind blows the drapes inside the house and the rain wets the floor. As the car starts I realize that she had to have had jump out the window.

I run to the window as she begins to back into the dirt road. My fist slam onto the window seal. I push myself up and away from the window, grab her keys, and run out of the door.

She took my car! I swear if I wasn't already going to kill her I'd kill her. She knows me too well for her own good. And, I'll have to admit, it's something I admire. I hope it's a quality that Grace picks up after the operation.

As soon as I'm in the car I slam the keys in the ignition and take off. I drive along the long dark road at a speed that will barely secure my safety.

The trees are dense and dark, the color of two pure, green leaves that have been rubbed together harshly. Against the road they look like unlit torches nearly consumed with darkness. The moon is high and full, but its beautiful light hidden behind the gray clouds.

We're heading towards the city.

"Call Marilyn." I demand the car.

Within seconds it begins to ring as the automatic voice replies, "Calling Marilyn." To my surprise she answers.

She doesn't speak, the only thing that comes through is her slight breathing and her quiet cries.

"Good," I speak softly to her. "Don't speak, just listen."

She sobs in response. Marilyn obviously wants to object but can't seems to form words.

"Stop the car and we can get this over with. We both know that you know everything and we know what that means. I can't have you interfering with my life any longer."

"So, you're going to kill me for he- for her? For a girl that doesn't even want you? You're crazy Benjamin." She hiccups.

"Franklin." I correct blandly. "But, no, I'm not killing you for her. I need your heart. It didn't have to be this way but you just had to go and be nosey, you intrusive bi-" She cuts me off with a small sob.

"My heart?" She asks, "Why my heart?"

I run my fingers through my black hair. "You saw what happened. I need your heart to correct some of the mistakes I made during the operation."

"Isn't her lack of love for you something mental and emotional? It's not something you can just fix with the heart of someone who actually cares for you."

I laugh. She's gotten smart, yet she's somehow still so stupid. "Of course not, but I'll be sure to fix her "mentality" also."

"She still won't love you." She replies in an admitting tone.

"She never stopped loving me." I say angrily. "Now stop the car before I run you off the road."

"No." Her voice is stern. She meant with she said and there is no way of talking her out of her stupidity. I wish she'd just make this easier on the both of us.

I raise an eyebrow to her. "No?" I ask.

"No. You wouldn't do that, you need my heart remember." She speeds up and the call ends.

"That doesn't mean I need you." I say to myself as I press the gas. "Not alive anyway."

I'm still a pretty far distance away from her, which saddens me. It's too dangerous to increase speed even slightly. I'm trying to rid the world of her, not myself.

With a sigh I speed up. Rain pelts everything around it, rendering me blind almost every second. It's like ocean waves as the wind pushes rain in all directions.

Lightning flashes, reflecting off of the silver metal in front of me. This pulls me out of my trance. I don't have time for these games, truly. I must do the deed now, before the storm ends and my opportunity is lost.

The outline of the city illuminates the sky in front of me. Dead in the center is the florescent lights spelling the name of the hotel I've seen so many times before.

She's going to Bennett's. God, this stupid girl. Does she not realize that -if she makes it- he'll kill her before I get the chance to.

My foot presses hard against the gas peddle. Paige tries to do the same, but at that speed it's practically impossible.

I slightly hit the bumper, causing the car to swerve. I do it again but with more force this time. For the last time I reduce my speed before slamming my foot on the gas.

As I approach quickly she swerves to the other side of the road. My eyes watch the car before quickly going back to the road. Once they do they shortly make contact with a fallen tree, broken and burnt by lightning's strike.

Everything goes black. Once I'm able to gain the strength to open my eyes they land on the red tail lights of my silver car. Paige backs the car up.

Once she's directly align with me she stops, her eyes peering into mine. Everything is blurry. I feel as if my car flipped a thousand times. In reality it only rise a bit and plummeted back to the Earth.

She watches me, her light brown eyes glazed as she looks at me with a world of different emotions.

As soon as she came she leaves, turning her head away from me and driving away as quickly as possible. I try to start the car but the engine is fried, having taken too much damage and being squeezed by the bolder of a log.

I look up into the rear view mirror. My black and slightly brown hair is a mess, my lab coat is ripped. A cut lines my face like a battle scar.

I step out of the car, holding onto the door for support. Despite this I still stumble. My hand grips my side as it aches with sharp pain. I let go if the door, limping slightly.

If I want to get anywhere I'll have to get there on foot.

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