Chapter 4

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"Are you sure about this?" I ask, glancing back at our final chosen teammate.

Armin flicks my shoulder, bringing his voice down to a whisper. "Stop being rude! Erwin personally recommended her, so she's obviously good."

That's not the part I'm worried about...

"What does she even work as?" I ask glancing back at her. The permanent glare on her face sent chills through my body.

I don't think I've even seen her around the restaurant...all I know is she's definitely not a waiter.

"Why don't you go ask," Armin says, beginning to leave the kitchen, "we're going to have to get to know her eventually; might as well start now." And with that, the shorter blond walks away.

"Wai--" I sigh.

Glancing back at the girl who has secluded herself from the rest of the team, I chew my bottom lip nervously.

C'mon Eren. She's not going to hurt you. Armin is right, I'll have to talk to her and now might be the best chance.

We had fifteen minutes before everyone had to load the vans and head off to the competition. This might be my only chance to talk to her with no complications.

I take one more deep breath before separating myself from the group of employers, in favour of walking over to the girl.

"H-Hey! So you're the one Erwin picked to join us?" I ask, my question sounding a bit forced.

Upon hearing my voice, the intimidating girl glances up from the floor, to me.

As I continued getting closer she didn't seem so scary but...nervous? It looks as if she was as hesitant to talk to us as we were.

I feel a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders at the realisation.

"I'm Eren, the head waiter! Feel free to come to me if you have any questions regarding tonight." I hold out a hand and the girl stares down at it.

At first I thought she wasn't going to except it, but the faintest of smiles plays at her lips. She nods once and accepts my hand with a firm hand shake. "Annie. I'm the prep cook."

My eyes widen. We have a professional prep cook?! That job requires visual excellence. Before making a dish they have to come up with the exact measurements of the ingredients required; benefiting the restaurant salary wise.

"Wow. That's amazing!" I grab onto Annie's uniform sleeve, deciding to lead her over to the rest of the group. "Come on! I want to introduce you to everyone."

Annie resisted at first, but soon gave into my pulls.

"Armin! Levi! Everyone!" The quietly chatting group stops and turns to me.

"This," I say gesturing to the girl beside me, "is our final team member, Annie."

Everyone seemed reluctant to talk at first but when Levi steps forward, offering a hand to shake, it seems to trigger something in everyone else.

It wasn't long before Annie was laughing and talking with everyone, no longer nervous and secluded.

"Alright everyone! Time to load up!"

Everyone's smiling faces faltered at Erwin's words as he walks into the kitchen in which we stood.

Glancing around nervously, everyone now was sporting scared expressions. Including myself.

Even though we all complied, we had no clue what was in store for us.


"Welcome!" As our group of seven finishes setting up our restaurant's cooking station, we turn at the sound of a booming voice.

The competition host, Dot Pixis, stood on a stage, located in front of all the different restaurant station set ups.

As he talks into a mic, welcoming everyone, my eyes scan the different cooking stations. Where are those damned Titans....

I instantly spot them. Their seven representatives this year just screamed 'pro'. Their clothes even matched their restaurant's red and black theme!

I roll my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose.

We really don't have a chance do we?


I look up at the sound of Levi's voice by my ear.

"Relax, kid. We've got this."

I playfully scowl at Levi's 'nickname' for me. "I'm not a kid, old man."

He scoffs in response, his eyes quickly flicking over me. "Oh really? You look like a kid to me...."

"Ya? Well at least I'm not as short as one." I cross my arms, scowling. I probably further proved his point by doing this, but there's no way I'd loose an argument as simple as this.

"Yet I'm still more masculine than you. How's the weather up there by the way?"

Fuck. That was good.

"Want me to pick you up so you can get a firsthand look?" I tease, holding out my arms.

Levi squints his eyes. "I hope you hit your head on an air conditioner." He mutters, turning his back to me. "Jerk."

And with that, he turns and walks away.

I watch after him with a stupid smile on my face until someone grabs my shoulder.

"Eren!" I quickly whip around to see Jean beside me. "God, it's about time you stopped flirting."

"F-Flirting?! What the hell dude, we're just friends!" I exclaim, glancing back at Levi.

Are we even that? More like mutual acquaintances.

Jean rolls his eyes, looking like he couldn't care less. "Could have fooled me...but seriously. Pixis is getting ready to explain the first challenge."

Shit, already?!

"Oh. Thanks." I turn my attention back to the stage, shrugging Jean's hand off of my shoulder.

"The first competing teams are going to be from...oh. Look at this." Pixis laughs to himself. He clears his throat taking his sweet fucking time.

"Titan Bowl Barbecue and Maria's Wall!"

Chatter erupts within the crowd. I hear quiet curses from my teammates including myself.

Usually we're lucky enough to not face off the Titans until the final round, but looks like luck isn't in our favour this year....

"The first challenge between restaurants will be: a mincing mini-game!"

I turn to my teammates. Shit I'm pretty sure the only one who would even be remotely good at mincing would be Sasha, and even she looked horrified at the moment. The chances of Sasha getting picked were pretty slim anyway.

"The two members will be...Mikasa Ackerman of Titans Bowl versus...."

The suspense has me nearly bouncing up and down, my hands clenched.

"Annie Leonhart." Shit.

"Competitors, you have ten minutes to prepare for your challenge. Gather supplies, hydrate, and good luck to all."

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