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Alright, Kim is my OC. I'm too lazy to type up her bio, so I'll just copy and paste.
Personality: she is very shy and doesn't like talking to people, so she is sort of a loner. Her favorite color is any color, really, because the only color she had seen is white, due to being experimented on since she was two. She finds everything interesting and bizarre, she acts sort of like star fire, since she doesn't know hardly anything about the world.
-she was taken from her family when she was two, and raised in an experiment facility called abet labs.
-the experiments they did on her included making her grow a working tail, ears, whiskers, and morphing her feet into paws.
-she can move her extra body parts like a cat would, they aren't just stationary.
-The government is still looking for her
-A girl she met in the facility named lavender is her best friend. She recently helped Kim break out, but at the sacrifice of her own life.
-the staff at the facility didn't treat her like a human, rather like an animal. They were very mean to her
-the meanest of the staff was the leader, a woman named ms. Z. She tortured Kim and was the main experimenter.
Extra things
She loves gum and has slight animal instincts. You cannot lie to her, she sees through it every time.