Ch.9 21 Questions

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I was awakened by the sound of birds chirping, I forgot to close the window last night. I turned to my right to check if Keena is already awake.

I chuckled when I saw her mouth wide open while still asleep. I yawned and started stretching afterwards, I feel so tired from working till late yesterday. 

I applied in the coffee shop near our school and the shop closes at two in the morning. I'm about to sit back on my bed when I realized the date and time.

"Crap! It's the 25th!" I ran to the bathroom immediately to take a quick shower.

Our meeting time is eight and it's now seven in the morning, I'm gonna be dead if I make Allison wait for me.

I stumbled when I stepped on Keena's comforter on the floor and I landed on her stomach, which caused her to wake up.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked frowning.

I stood up immediately, good thing the towel didn't slip from my grasp.

"I'm sorry Keena, I stumbled because your comforter is on the floor" I said while wearing my clothes. I don't have enough time to explain further and I'm glad that she didn't pay much attention to what just happened.

It only took me thirty minutes to fix myself, Keena suggested that I should borrow her bicycle but I refused since the park were Allison and I agreed to meet is not that far from school.

"You're five minutes late" she said irritably with her arms crossed.

"I'm sorry I overslept" I said while catching my breath.

"I don't like people who's late with my appointments"

I frowned upon hearing what she just said,

"What? Appointment?" I said again frowning.

"Yes appointment" she repeated.

I didn't respond, I'm just frowning the whole time we're walking. I also made sure that we're not close to each other, as per her command.

"You really thought this is a date huh?" she said before closing the distance between us. She chuckled afterwards which annoyed me more.

"Of course I thought this is a date and not an appointment! What are you a doctor?!" I replied irritably.

"You don't even know what I've been through to prepare for this day" I ranted.

She stopped walking to face me, she then leaned so much closer that our face are just inches apart.

"And what exactly you've been through to prepare for this day huh?" she asked before looking at me from head to toe.

I suddenly felt embarrassed by the way she's looking at me. I'm just wearing a simple white shirt, faded jeans and pairing it with usual chucks.

I looked like I'm just going to buy a food in the convenience store, while she's wearing a floral sundress. She looked elegant and I looked like a trash.

"So what are you planning to do?" I asked in surrender. She's right, I don't look like I'm on a date with my outfit.

"I need to buy more books" she said before we started walking again.

I don't feel excited anymore, we're not even talking. I just wanna go back to the dorm and play chess with Keena.

"Do you know a place where I can buy books?" she asked after a while.

My face brightened because she's finally talking to me properly and I know a perfect place.

"The Verons!"

But I'm not a V A M P I R E (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now