Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Kyo's Feelings

Kyo lied on his back in his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. His eyes were grey and slightly teared. He sighed deeply, then flopped over onto his stomach.

'It's not fare damnit! Not fare! Why does that stupid rat always have to be better than me! he thought. 'Why doe he get everything over me! I would bow down and kiss his feet and...even kiss his ass so that he would take Tohru away from m...' Suddenly there was a light knock on the door, making him jump. "Who's there!" he shouted.

"It's me..." muffled a small and timid voice from behind the door.

'Tohru!' he said frantically in his head. 'What should I do!'

"Can I come in? I would like to talk to you."

"Yeah...sure..." She quietly opened the door and shut it as quiet as she had come in. "What's up?" he said now sitting up on his bed. Tohru nervously walked over to him, making sure to stand a good 10 feet from him. "You know, you don't have to be so far away now...unless there is a reason?"

"No! I'm sorry!" She walked so he was only about 5 feet from him.

'Something is wrong with her...I just know it...' He looked at her. "Something's wrong. Won't to talk abiut it?" She shook her head no.

"Nothing is wrong, I was just..."

"I think I know you by now and something is wrong. So just tell don't trust me..." he trailed off.

"No! It's not that I don't trust you!" she said quickly at his remark. "It's not you, it's me."

"You?" He patted the bed next to him for her to sit down. She slowly walked over before sitting down, then just burst out tears collapsing into his arms.

"It's not fare!" She sobbed "And i'm crying! I never cry!"

"Shhh..." he rubbed the back of her head softly. "It's ok to get a good cry out every now and then, you can't keep everything bottled up inside." She sniffed, trying to choke back all the tears, but they were confined for so long, that they didn't want to stay in any longer. They wanted to be free. "Now are you going to tell me...or do I have to force it out of you?" He grinned and started to tickle her. She began laughing, still choking on tears.

"Ok! Kyo stop!" she kept laughing. "I'll tell you!" He smiled warmly and blushed slightly. Oh how he loved hearing her laugh. It made him feel so...different when he was around her. Her laughter died down and he she took a few deep breaths, trying to refresh herself from the outburst of laughter. She sighed then said. "It's Yuki..."

"Oh..." said Kyo sighing and turning away.

"See!" shouted Tohru looking away towards the floor.

"See what?" he asked looking back to her.

"Everytime I talk about Yuki..." she saw Kyo shutter. "Everytime I talk about him you get sad and when I am with him...laughing you seem as if you are about cry!"

"Cry? Why would I cry?" Tohru stared at him. She stared at him slightly irritated. "Who is the one who just said quote 'It's ok to get a good cry out every now and then, you can't keep everything bottled up inside.' I think it may have been you." He chuckled slightly.

"I meant you. I don't cry."

"Do you?"

"No, I don't!" Tohru stared at him long and hard. Kyo felt his heart skip a beat. His bottom lip twitched slightly as her blue eyes stared at him, analyzing his face. Her eyes stayed in the stare that they had. He looked away, he couldn't keep his eyes fixated on her any more. He felt as if he was about to explode."I...I...I don't...I..."

"Kyo...what's wrong?" She placed a hand on top of his own. He gasped and jumped up off the bed shaking his head. "I can't...I just can't!" It was that same face, the one that tore at her heart. He ran out of the room, slamming the door behind him. For a moment she stared with her mouth gaped open, but then she looked down at the floor and nodded her head. "I thought you said you didn't cry..." she said as she stared at the tear drop that had fallen onto her hand.

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