Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: A Day At The Park Part 2: Icerink

It was still quite early, so they decided to go to the iceskating rink and rent out some skates. Kyo exchanged the money for the shoes. The man put Kyo's large noticable shoes next to the tiny ones that were gotten fot Tohru. The tied them on and carefully made their way to the rink. Tohru noticed Kyo's twitching nervous body.

"What's wrong Kyo?"

"N...nothing!" His eyes flased from side to side ( . . ) "Nothing is wrong!"

"If you say so..." They entered through the large door and to the entrance of the rink. Only a few people had been there. "Barely nobody is here..."

"Well it is summer vacation...everybody is probably at summer homes, at the beach, amusement know summer stuff."

"Yes, well that's true, no worries!" she said beaming.

"Yeah, the less people to see me make a complete idiot out of myself..." he murmured.

"Did you say somehting Kyo?"

"No nothing at all..."

"Ok then let's go!" She hurried off into the rink, Kyo slowly following her. Tohru glided around the rink, he watched as her small fragile body turned and bent, arms outstretched, legs bending and pushing against the ice. Her skirt flowed out behind her, ice shards spraying out from underneath her skates. His face was bright red, mouth gaped open, eyes open widely. She was nothing, but perfect, beautiful in everyway. She came around from her lap and slowly halted in front of him. "What's wrong Kyo?" she said looking concerned.

"Oh it's nothing, I was just waiting..."

"Waiting for what? Let's go!" She grabbed his hand pulling him out onto the ice, where he fell flat down on his bottom. His face became bright red and irritated.

"Baka!" he growled. "What the hell was that for!"

"I...i'm sorry..." Tohru became teary eyed and Kyo had just relaized what he had said. He screamed around, tring to get on his feet.

"No...I didn't!" he feel again and in useless effort kept trying to rise. "Sorry, I didn't...mean to say that!" One time another another he just ended up in the same place. Tohru couldn't help, but chuckle even though he had just yelled at her. He looked so funny squirming around.

"It's ok Kyo...I forgive you," she said smiling. Hked up at her, mouth open and eyes wide, but then smiled, rubbing the back of his head.

"I guess I should have told you that I couldn't skate...huh?"

"That's ok. Why did we come here if you knew you couldn't skate?"


"Because why?"

"Because you wanted to!" He looked away, face bright red in embarrassment." Tohru's gasped. He had gone through so much trouble for her today, without even giving a second thought of not doing it just, beacause he didn't like it or didn't want to. He must have really loved her...more than she thought.


"Huh?" He looked up at her extended hands, waiting for him to take it to help him up. He placed his hands into her own and carefully made his way back up.

"Now, just hold onto my hand and follow me, ok?" He nodded and watched she did, taking in everything she was saying.

In no time at all, Kyo was able to skate around well enough to not be able to hold onto her hand, although he would have been doing so away way. Tohru skated her way over to Kyo taing his hands.

"C'mon Kyo!" she laughed.

"Huh? Wha!" They began skating around in a circle faster and faster with each passing second. Finally they both lost their grip of the ice and fell down laughing. "Well I had my fair share of skating for today. Why don't you skate by yourself a few times around while I take my skates off?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go ahead," he said smiling. She nodded and walked back onto the ice and skating again. He never intended on taking off his skates and getting ready to leave. He didn't intend on taking his eyes off of her either. He just wanted to stand there, watching her body move, muscles working, everything flowing, and her smile. Her smile made in weak in the knees, a feeling deep in his gut, a feeling that cut right through his heart. He wanted her more than anything in the world.

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