I'm breaking out betch

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Stacy's POV
I remember waking up to the smell of the cheap make up that the clown used. It smelled like a thousand sweat arm pits after a long log time of exercising in the hot temperate of 80 degrees or so. I gaged and covers my mouth before and threw up on the stripper pole. I yelled at the clown but heard nothing. He must have left to go get the groceries. He does this every week or so . I feel like it's been months in this damp warehouse. It's been miserable living here with little food and fresh air. I only get to shower once every two weeks and I never get to see the light of day.  All of the sudden I here some nibbling. I look over and see some bugs eating the wall. I then decide I was gonna break out.

I called them over to where I was and asked them to eat the rope that attached me to the stripper pole. Man, those were the good old days. Anyways, I broke out and punched a hole in the rotting wall. Ouwchh again. Just as I was leaving, the clown came in. Gawsh dang it. I hated that dude. He yelled to me, "I'm coming for you Barbara!!!"

"Actually it's Diana Penelope Morgan Mary Memma," I yelled," but you can call me Stacy." I run the fast as I could into the woods and tripped over a branch. I got up and kept running for what felt like hours. As soon as I though I was far enough away I sat down to catch my breath against a tree trunk. I looked up and knew I had to keep going, but as I searched the darkness for anything that would tell me where I was I could tell I was lost.

"Crash!!1" oh no j though. It must be the clown. I got up and sprinted as fast as I could. Sooner than I thought I came upon a road.  There was a car traveling down towards me so I jumped up and down and waved my arms frantically. The car slowed down. I side was a man and a small boy. I got inside and told them I had been kidnapped.

"Wow that's horrible," the man said," we will take you into town so you can go home. "

As we drove closer to toe I became more anxious to see me familia, but when we were almost there he turned the car into a small dirt road. At this point j knew something was wrong. I turned to the boy and noticed something I hadn't when I first got into their car. he was wearing a red clown nose!!!! As panic filled my chest and I began to black out I caught a glimpse of the man's giant colorful shoes.
thank u for reason this chapter of No CLOwn in the sark!!!!! We really appreciate all the supposed and we will update soon so tank!!!
-Pepe &Chee

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