im breskjing out betch patr twi

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hey guys we are both sick and so we are not bothering to spell check! please bear with us!!
-pepe and chee
poncho tibbs is the light of ky lkife. weves talled for every day for as long as wever been here. the clown tortue s us ebery day and is thibking of kilibf is soon. we try to talk about breaking out but the clown keeps thwatinf out plans. our day will come soon, but all i can thibk of is poncho. poncho is so hawt. i dont know what i would do withouth hin. i dont know what he thibks of me. does he like me? does he not. i lied awake evey night thibking anour him.

Poncho Tibbs pov
wowzag! that atacy girl is relly nice lookidn. i think i lile her a lot. ever sense i net her i jab butterflies in my stomache and feel like im gping to have a heart attack. we talk about brelaonf oit of the wategousbe and into freddom but our plans keeps gettinf messed up. i gope she feels the same way as me. i think im foinf to ask jer. wish me luck

atacys pov
"we ahould breal oit poncho," i say

"yeah we should" poncho says in a tone i cant really tiink of. i think of a plan that we can get out of here with. ibrhink in my head really hard and think of a good plan. poncho was going to side with his uncle and rhen pinch that numbscle in teu head really hard. then we were going to run away and happily ever atter. i tols pincko the plan and he agfeed.

after we completed the plan and dirxhed the clown we went to town for the forat time in minths."wow iys been a lind tine sense ive had a burger," i said while eating a bif mac.

"yeah," poncho agreed. we ate our burgera in solence and waited for the check to come when i realize dwe disnt have any money. ibtole d poncho this and we ran out.

"hey can i ask tou somethibg." poncko aks.

"sure"i sau

"are you in love with me"

"yes of coirsbe" pincho then embraces me in a hug while we walk down the stret. i gues hapoy ending do exist.
i cant belive the story is almost over! only a few chapters left!! i wonder what will happen next

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