part 4 The legend

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Rosalie POV Legend has it that the Queen of the Damnd vampire and her king will fall in love and make love for the first time and the female will conceive a baby under a eclipse moon. (OK, wait, Why under an eclipse moon? asked Jacob Black) Legend says that it's the only time that a baby is conceived and born. The full moon represents the power that the child will have when the moon is out and full.The color of the moon which is red during time represents her sneaky, manipulative,sexy,intelligent vampire side. On the child's 16 birthday he or she will take it's true form. Then he or she will become King or Queen of the damned. With that comes the power to become a living statue with it's partner. They will rule over all vampires, hybrids, and even wolves.  But legend also sayed that the queens servant was in love with the king so she put lycan venom in side of the queens drink while she was with child. That' how the child became a hybrid. The Royal family found out and the servant was burned by crack of dawn by Sun light.

After rose was finished, the whole pack had their draws dropped while Sam was pissed and excited to know that Giselle can control any pack she wants since she's part wolf. The rest of the boys was happy and scared a little bit to meet her. Since she's gonna be queen. But rose left out two important details one: She would have to fight the voulturi in order to take her place as queen and second: she needs to find a mate and make love on the first eclipse moon in order to fulfill her duty as queen.
Plus she has to wear this really sexy but elegant costume that only a queen could wear.

Plus she has to wear this really sexy but elegant costume that only a queen could wear

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