Chapter 31

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Chapter 31
Callum and I sat on the back steps of the house as Archie helped the new wolves shift. It was the only place where Malcolm wouldn't go and Archie was too busy to really notice what we were doing. To be fair, I was surprised that Callum even had time to teach me, especially today.
Tomorrow was his and Liv's wedding and the house was a buzz. It was only a few meters away, where a canopy lied, a white aisle and white rose centre pieces. Chairs were already set up on each side of the aisle and ribbons were wrapped around the stone pillars around the house.
"Okay, sound this out," Callum told me, handing me a book that was meant for five year olds.
"e-el-f-ant," I stated, blushing knowing that it was wrong.
"Elephant," Callum said so clearly.
I frowned, "How come, there's no f?"
"The ph makes the f sound," he told me.
"But that's so stupid."
"The English language is stupid, Tarna," he chuckled.
I nodded as Callum turned the page.
"Okay, how about this one?"
I sucked in a breath not recognising the word, only the picture of a weird creature that was a ball of spikes.
"Por-porc-u-p-pine," I stated again.
"Porcupine, aye."
I scoffed, feeling more stupid than when I started.
"How did you get that?" I asked.
"You have to cut it up. Okay, start with the p added with the or, so you've got that por sound. Then c –."
"But I thought k made the c sound."
"They both door," I nodded, "then the u."
"But that makes the ar sound."
"It make both as well."
"So there's more than one sound for each letter?" I asked.
"There can be. And different sounds when certain letter are together. Like the i and the e. Without the e, the i and the n would make an in sound but because that e is there, it makes pine."
I nodded, understanding, "what other words are like that?"
"Well," he started, "like lime or time, side."
I nodded again, "are there other tricks?"
He shrugged, "what do you know about makin' the word plural."
I frowned, "is that when you put the s at the end of a word unless it ends in s, x, z, ch, or sh?"
He nodded, "That's right. See, your gettin' the hang of it."
"I don't think so," I said, sighing as he chuckled.
My gaze turned to Archie and the group of young boys. The smallest one looked about six and looked petrified with little colour in his cheeks. The other boys were around ten or even eleven and ignored him. Archie didn't notice, trying to focus on the others as he taught.
"Callum, who's that little boy over there?" I asked, feeling my motherly instincts rise inside of me.
"Brodie," he answered, "He's parents died in the Macangus attack a couple of years ago. Been raised by his grandfather ever since."
"How long since his first shift?" I asked.
He shrugged, "A month, I think. Possibly less. His grandfather has asked me to keep an eye on him but there's not much Archie and I can do."
"Is he in control?" I asked.
"On and off. But he's young, he'll get there."
"You hope so," I said, reading his thoughts.
He shrugged, "His parents died tryin' to protect my family, I owe them the protection of their son."
I nodded, understanding, "You're a good King, Callum, honestly. There's plenty of wolves, rogues or not, that would wish to be apart of this pack."
He shrugged, blushing, "Well, I don't believe that. Especially with this new alpha around."
And that's when it hit me. I suddenly remembered what I was supposed to tell him all those weeks ago.
"Callum, I think I met him."
He frowned, sitting back, "Excuse me?"
"It was around the time I first met Malcolm. We had gotten into a fight and I had wondered off. I didn't even think I had gone past the boundary when I was attack by two wolves and taken to their alpha. I won't go into the details but when he was goin' to let me go, he told me that he was new in town and wanted to use me as a message to other rogues."
"Do you know who he was?"
I thought about that, sure that I did but couldn't find a name.
I shook my head.
He nodded, accepting it, "Well, I won't do anythin' about it now but thank you for tellin' me."
"Well, I'm sure you have plenty of things on your mind. Are you nervous?"
He chuckled uneasily, trying to determined an answer.
"I'm not sure. I'm not gettin' cold feet or anythin' and I've wanted to marry Liv from the moment I saw her. But aye, I think I am."
I giggled at him, knowing that I would be feeling the same way. That's if Malcolm and I ever got married. It was only now that I realized that we had skipped so many steps. Whether or not those steps were important, I couldn't say. But we went from, enjoying each other's company to instant family.
"Callum," I turned at the voice behind me and recognised someone from the pack but couldn't remember the name.
"Aye, Cuddy, what's goin' on?" Callum asked.
"There's someone here about the band. I'm not too sure what they want."
He groaned standing before saying to me, "I'll be happy once I get married. But the way things are goin', it will be a miracle if we get there."
I giggled, hoping that he was joking before he walked back into the house.
My gaze turned out to the forest, yearning for the times where I would wonder through the trees and only be focused on my senses. Without being able to stop myself, I struggled to stand, titling my body till I found myself on my feet. Ignoring any look I got from the boys, I waddled off into the trees.
I was welcomed by the familiar scent of oak and pine. The sweet songs of birds filled my ears making my eyes close. I reached out my hand and clawed at the rough bark of the tree. A slight breeze blew which made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end but I enjoyed it anyway. I felt completely relaxed and finally felt comfortable in my own skin which was something I hadn't felt in a while. I allowed my body to lean on the tree for support and welcomed the nature around me.
A smile spread across my face when I felt my baby move inside of me. I didn't know if it was just a coincidence but it filled me with joy at the idea of my child feeling a connection to the earth like I did. Clutching my big belly in my hands, I prayed for the thought.
"Why is your belly so big?"
My head shot in the direction of the small boy from before. I could see his ribs as he breathed surprised that he wasn't cold in only tiny jeans. His hand clawed at the tree only a meter away from mine like I had down before as he stared, confused at my belly.
"I'm havin' a baby," I told him, "I'm keepin' it inside of me until it's ready to come out."
"Are you the Alpha's brother's wife?" he asked.
I shook my head, "No, I'm just his mate."
"Is he goin' to be a papa?"
I nodded, trying to contain my smile.
His eyes dropped and looked as if he was returning to a different time in his life.
"I never knew my papa," he told me, though I already knew, "He's dead."
I nodded, "You must miss him."
He nodded, "He died when I was one. My mamma's dead too. They died in a big wolf fight. That's what Grandpapa told me."
"I never knew my parents too," I told him, trying to ignore a small ache inside of me, "my papa died before I was even born and my mamma died not long after."
He nodded, "Do you miss them?"
I shrugged, "I don't know if I do. It's hard to say."
"Are you excited about bein' a Mamma?" he asked.
I blinked twice, surprised by his sudden change of subject.
Coming to my senses, I nodded, "Aye, I am."
He accepted my answer, turning to silence. It was only then that I realized that he should be with Archie and the others.
"Why aren't you with the other boys?" I asked.
He shrugged, turning his gaze away, "they didn't notice me gone."
"I'm sure they did," I said, knowing that it was a lie.
He knew it too.
"Do you want to go back together?" I asked him, knowing that he should probably go back.
He nodded, slightly turning around. I held out my hand and surprised that he took it. Giggling a little, I walked him back to the group of boys.
"There you go Buddy," I said, letting go of him, getting a sense that I was sending him off to school.
He gave me a small wave before he moved to the outer part of group. I made a mental note to always watch out for him when Callum and Archie couldn't.
As I slightly walked past Archie in aim for the house, he stopped me.
"Where did you find him?" he asked.
"He followed me into the trees," I told him, frowning, "Didn't you notice him leave?"
He shrugged, "he's a slippery little thing. Did he say anythin' to you?"
I nodded, not sure of his questions, "he talked a lot why?"
"Nothin' much, he's just never spoken to me."
I couldn't help but laugh, "Oh Archie, are you jealous that you couldn't get through to him but I could."
He chuckled too, "Okay, okay, Mamma Wolf. You better go lie down before Malcolm finds you and gets cross."
All I could do was groan knowing that he was probably right.
"And if your over-protected brother does get cross, I'll kill him."
He laughed at that too before I waddled back into the house.
Once I reached the fourth gallery, I was out of breath and my feet were aching. I was getting way too fat. If I was a whale now, what will I be when I'm almost ready to explode.
Just as I went to turn in search for my bed, a screech stopped me, "Amy!"
I jumped at the sound of Liv's screams, making me change my journey.
"Well, don't you want smooth legs for your wedding or not!" Amy yelled back as I got closer to the door.
"That's if you don't rip off my skin first!"
When I opened the door, my eyes widened at what I saw. Liv, lying on her bed, with her knees up and Amy at her feet on her knees with a stick and I think wax on the end of it.
"What on earth?" I asked, giggling at the sight.
"Amy's tryin' to kill me!" Liv yelled getting an eyebroll from her sister.
"Oh Liv, it doesn't hurt that much," she said.
"Are you fricking crazy?" she yelled again, "Come near me with that and I will kill you."
Amy only rolled her eyes again, "We're waxing your legs even if I have to chain you up, you got that."
Liv groaned, kicking her legs in protest before giving in.
"Least you've got small legs," I stated, taking a seat on the bed stool, "it would take me forever to wax my legs."
Liv only groaned again which made me giggle.
"Have you seen Callum?" Liv asked as Amy started to spread more wax on her legs.
I nodded, "Haven't you?"
"Absolutely not," Amy answered for her, "He's not allowed to see her from now on."
"Where's he goin' to sleep?" I asked.
"In one of the guest rooms," Liv told me.
"How did you win the room?"
"Bride needs her beauty sleep."
I giggled at that.
"How's he feeling?" Liv asked, sounding as if she would do anything to be near him again.
I shrugged, "A little nervous but happy."
I decided not to tell her about what Cuddy was going on about.
Liv groaned again, "I want to see him."
"God, Liv," Amy moaned, "It's only for two days and a night. Sometimes I think you're worse than Archie and I."
"I very much doubt that," I scoffed, winning a glare from Amy, "And I think that it's cute that she wants to see him."
"See, Tarna's on my side," Liv whined like a child.
"Liv, do you want bad luck?" Amy asked her, making her go silent before her eyes narrowed.
"I can't wait till you get married," Liv threatened, "I'm goin' to make your life hell."

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