Chapter 35

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Chapter 35
I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Everything inside of me ached. Bones and muscles I didn't know existed burned as my head pounded. The ringing in my ears returned as my vision blurred to light.
I felt warm. I didn't know why I was so fascinated with that. The fact that I now felt warm and whatever I lied on was soft. Is this what heaven felt like?
As my eyes started to open, I instantly wanted to see Malcolm.
"Malcolm," I said it so soft that I wasn't even saw if I had said it.
My throat burned and felt like a knife had cut it all up.
"Malcolm," I croaked again.
"I'm here, Tarna, I'm here,"
I slightly turned my head in the direction of his voice and found him kneeling next to me. I couldn't describe the look on his face. His cheeks were stained and his eyes were glassy as if he had been crying. His hair was a mess and the clothes that he wore barely sat straight on him. I could smell his fear where I lied and I could sense his wolf very close to his surface.
Frowning, I asked, "What's happened?"
I followed his gaze to Callum where he leaned on the wardrobe doors looking just as worried as Malcolm did.
Turning back to me, Malcolm asked, "You don't remember?"
I thought about it for a second but just shook my head.
"Ah, you were taken by Hector Macangus," he swallowed, "But your back now and he can't hurt you."
And that's when it came back to me. The dark club and Hector Macangus. I remembered the smell of rum on his breath and on my skin from when he bashed the bottle over my head. I remembered my fear as he ripped my dress and threatened to beat me, rape me and kill my baby in front of my eyes. I swallowed, remembering his voice as blamed Malcolm for all his troubles, for the taking his mate away and calling him and Callum and the rest of their family murderers. I remembered wishing for death and wishing for it to be over.
"Wolf cub," I croaked, remembering the baby, "Is our wolf cub okay?"
Malcolm turned towards Callum again, begging for help. Callum just nodded, telling him to say the words.
"The baby's okay, our wolf cub's fine," he told me.
I felt a lump the size of a golf ball formed in my throat as tears clouded my vision.
"You're a horrible liar, Malcolm," I hiccupped before I fell into tears.
I had lost the baby. Our Wolf Cub was dead because of me.
"No, no," Malcolm cried, making it worse.
My head thrashed against my pillow not listening to him anymore.
"I killed our wolf cub. I took away your happiness," I cried, not recognising my own voice.
"No, you didn't, do you hear me?" Malcolm said, stopping my whales for a second, "Our wolf cub is still in there, he's still alive."
When I saw Malcolm's hand horving just above my belly, not touching me, Hector's words invaded my head, I could touch every inch of your body. Lick, bite and screw you, enough times that even hundred showers could rid you of my touch. And Malcolm would always know that his worst emeny had licked, bit and screwed the thin' he see as a holy temple.
"He's ruined me for you, hasn't he?" I sniffed, not being able to breathe through my snot filled nose, "Because your enemy has touched me."
He frowned, his eyes filling with tears, "No, no. He hasn't. I just don't want to hurt you."
Now it was my turn to frown.
"Hector hurt you pretty badly, I just didn't want to – no Tarna don't, don't!"
But he couldn't stop me. I was already sitting up, pulling my doona off me. Fresh tears fell from my eyes when I saw my black, blue and purple belly. The place that was supposed to be protecting my wolf cub was battered and ruined. My shaky hand, barely touched my skin as I went to rub it. The lump hardened and to was impossible to breathe. I fell forward onto Malcolm body welcoming his arms around me. I cried into his shoulder, not knowing what else to do as I faught the memories of Hector Macangus' body on top of mine.
Malcolm's hot tears, touched my skin where my robe fell opened making that hole inside of me grow.
"Oh god, tell me what to do?" Malcolm begged me, pulling back and cupping my cheeks to force me to look at him, "Tell me what to do Tarna?"
I shook my head, not knowing how to answer him. I didn't know how to make it better. I didn't know how to help him.
"You have to be strong Little Wolf," he told me, making me shake my head in denial. I was tired of being strong, "You have to be strong for our Wolf Cub, okay? Can you do that?"
I nodded, before closing my eyes allowing more tears to fall.
"Callum," my eyes opened when I heard Archie's soft voice, as he walked to where Callum stood in the room, "we've searched the whole estate, there's no sign of him."
"Well, look harder," Callum growled, "he has his whole bloody pack here, there's no way that he couldn't have left without a trail."
"Word has gotten to other packs. They're joinin' our hunt."
Callum nodded, "Remmeber what I said. Dead or alive, I don't care."
Archie nodded, before walking out of the room again.
"Wait," I said, pulling out of Malcolm's grip, "Your huntin' Hector?"
Knowing that I was against this, Malcolm started, "Tarna, he kidnapped you, he hurt you."
"Aye, he did, but that's not the path for you," I told him, "Don't kill Hector Macangus."
"Tarna," Callum said getting my attention, "He broke the law. I banished him from this land, if he returned, it's punishable by death."
"Fine, then kill him for that but not because of me," I knew I was asking the impossible from Malcolm but I didn't want him to be a murderer like Hector. I didn't want him looking for payback and turning into a monster that he never was.
"Promise me Malcolm," I said, "You let Callum handle it. You stay out of it."
"Will it make you happy?" he asked me, licking his lips, "If I don't go after Macangus, if I left it to my brothers, would it make you happy."
I nodded, knowing that it eventually would.
"Then aye, I give you my word that I will stay out of it."
Before I could stop myself, I leant over and pecked Malcolm's lips wincing when the simple action caused great pain to my body. But Malcolm looked relieved that I had anyway.
Clutching my belly, I remembered about my wolf cub.
"Malcolm, I want to go to the hospital," I told him, "I need to make sure that the baby's okay."
Malcolm nodded, standing and looking to Callum for help.
"I'll brin' the Jeep around," he said before disappearing out of the room.
Malcolm offered out my hands, which I took helping me out of bed and to stand. I groaned feeling every muscle inside of me protest to working as I leaped over to the chest-of-draws. I stood very still, trying not to move as Malcolm found some tights and one of his t-shirts for me. He then, untied my robe and through it on the bed, before kneeling in front of me.
I tried not to look at myself. I avoided the mirror knowing that if I did look at myself, that image would forever haunt my dreams. Leaning on Malcolm's shoulder, I stepped into the tights with a groan and allowed Malcolm to pull them up my legs. Next was the shirt which was hard. Ignoring the pain that was sent through my arms and down my spine, I lifted my arms above my head ready for Malcolm. He slid the shirt on me with little effort.
When he stood and smiled down at me, I said, "Thank you."
He frowned, "What for?"
"For lookin' at me the same way you did the first time you saw me naked," I said, blinking away the tears.
He chuckled a little before bending to gently take my lips in his. When we broke, I wiped away my tears, knowing that I had to be strong for our little wolf cub.
Malcolm's arm held onto me as I limped out of the room. We travelled slower than a snail as I felt my body ache with every step. We didn't even make it to the third gallery, before Malcolm scooped me up in his arms and carried me the rest of the way.
Malcolm turned at the sound of Liv's voice as she and Amy and Allie ran down the stairs.
"Oh my God, how are you feeling?" Liv asked, finally reaching me.
"We're goin' to the hospital," Malcolm told her, "Callum's brin' the Jeep around."
"I'm coming with you," she blurted out.
"No, Liv, you don't have –."
"I want to," she stopped me before I could finish, "We're sisters remember."
More tears filled my eyes as I remembered the first time she had said that when I found out I was pregnant.
"Everythin's goin' to be okay, Tarna," Allie told me as we got outside and got close to the Jeep, "you'll see."
"Call us with any news," Amy said before Liv opened the door for Malcolm.
Malcolm gently placed me down but it still caused pain that I couldn't hide. He then buckled me in before walking around to the other side of the Jeep and climbing in.
The car trip was silent. I allowed myself to close my eyes and focus on Malcolm's fingertip, brushing my cheek. I leaned on his body, feeling myself go numb at his touch. He entwined our hands together, squeezing mine as if he was my anchor to myself.
"I love you," I sniffed, closing my eyes once again.
I felt Malcolm kiss the side of my head before he whispered, "I love you too."



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