What Hurst The Most: Number 11

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What Hurts The Most: Number 11

            “What’s that smell?” Sarah asked.

            “Did Zach fart?!” VeeAnn fake gagged.

            “Need air.” I gasped for air.

            The three of us were in the kitchen, trying to get our freshly baked cookies from earlier today.

            “Har-har, funny,” Alex rolled his eyes. “Zach and Robert were having a contest on who could eat the most hamburgers, and Robert barely won, and then, burps were heard.”

            “Boys will boys.” I sighed, getting the tray of cookies out of the oven.

            “And girls will always gossip over a cute boy on the street.” Alex sighed softly.

            “There’s a cute boy outside?! Why didn’t you tell us,” VeeAnn and Sarah ran out of the kitchen.

            “Hm-hm,” Alex fake coughed.

            “Which I really didn’t care about since I already have a cute boyfriend, I mean, look at him.” Sarah came jogging back, kissing his cheek.

            “Yep, that’s right.” He smiled.

            “Well, I’m going to be gone, and you guys should too.” I said when Zach and Robert came from outside.

            “Yeah, I seriously have to take a shower and do my homework,” Zach said.

            “I have to practice my dance routine with Courtney later today, so I also have to get cleaned up.” Sarah nodded.

            “I might stay a little longer. Might take a shower and make a keek then come back.” Alex chuckled shyly, biting his lip.

            “Austin texted me that he’s coming back, he forgot something important.” Robert read the text from his phone.

            “He forgets everything.” Alex mumbled his breath.


What Hurts The Most


            Austin has been here since ten in the morning, and it’s four-thirty in the afternoon, and I really needed to talk to Robert so him and I could settle the war going on between us.

            “Hey, you aren’t even paying attention to what I’m saying,” Alex threw popcorn at me. We were in my room watching Paranormal Activity 3 and eating a big bowl of popcorn.

            “Sorry, what were you saying?” I asked him, giving him a look.

            “Ugh, never mind,” he groaned, “your useless.”

            “Thank you very much, I really appreciated that comment.” I rolled my eyes, pausing the movie and looking for more things to watch on Netfilx.

            “Cake Boss and your very welcome, glad to help,” Alex threw more popcorn at me.

            “You know what,” I said, turning off the Wii and facing Alex, “you should leave. Yeah, you should. Go take a shower, make a couple of keeks. Do a YouNow and come back tomorrow or tonight, or maybe never.”

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