Chapter 4~ Love expert

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GUUUYSS SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE IN A WHILE!! Not that you guys noticed or anything....

This chapter is dedicated to : @YEDgirl980

because like she's the only one who commented... and she gave alot of encouragement... XD thanks!

I promised Adrien, so here he is....


Adrien's pov:

Sunlight hits my eyes, waking me from my sleep.

It's usually Plagg who wakes me up stating whether he's hungry and is asking for Camembert cheese or a scratch on the back.

But today he was snoring...... Really loud.

"Plagg wake up!"

"hmph, I like camembert cheese, what do you like...huh, Swiss cheese? I like that too... But not as much as you... My dear camembert*snore*" great he's flirting with cheese now, what next marry it?

"Plagg wake up, I'm going to be late!"

Out of both the kwami's, I get laziest one! How would ladybug's costume look on me? Will I look as amazing as Ladybug? Would I look like a girl? Me as ladybug...

I cringe at even the thought.

I grab the camembert cheese that was closest to me and put it close to his nose.

"Camembert...? Camembert!!" and just like that he stuffed the whole cheese down his throat. How does he even fit that all down, without choking? I don't know.

"Let's go!" I say as I indicate for him to go inside my shirt.

I jump out of bed and race towards the computer which had my homework . As I pack my everything in my school bag, I stare at my desktop wallpaper...

Today was Mother's Day...

I take a long look at my mother photo, on the screen.

My mum was everything to me.

My inspiration.

My role model.

My hero.

To think that father use to smile when she was around, really bought a tang of sadness to my heart...

He had so much life in his eyes, happiness in his heart. He was a whole new person, almost unrecognisable...

Mother had made him like this. He loved mother all too much. His care for her was all too great...

So when she disappeared his whole world came crashing down.

We searched everywhere for her, the entire city of Paris. But there was no clue of where she had gone.

Father was emotionally scarred. He shut me and the world out for a while, giving the job of looking after me, the job he's supposed to have done to Nathalie.

But when he returned, the Gabriel Agreste I once called father was gone and in front of me was this emotionless robot.

Not only did I lose my mother that day, but I lost a father too.

We were once a happy family... But it's all gone now.

The world was sad that they had lost one of their famous models, but people move on.

But the main people who lost their loved ones are scarred forever...

Dad put up an act, telling the world he was alright. But we all knew he was faking it.

His outer mask was erasing.

He was destroyed.

But he continues, faking his smile.

I would have gone on the same road...

I was home schooled

I had no friends, I had absolutely no one ...

But then...


I found Plagg.

This little, dark, cheese loving kwami saved my life...

And I owe all the cheese in the world for it!

I didn't feel judged whenever I was Chat noir; I could be whoever I wanted to be. I wasn't the perfect, goodie two shoes Adrien Agreste everyone drooled over...

I could be me, as myself...

fighting alongside the love of my life.


She's incredible, no doubt about it.

From the first time I saw her and those gorgeous blue bell eyes, I think a fell...deep. I fell so deep that I couldn't get out.

I wanted to meet her more and more... I had feelings that I could not understand, temptations that would take over my whole body. I wanted to find out so bad, who it was behind that polka dotted mask, but I shouldn't... I wouldn't... I couldn't risk our friendship, for my selfish need. But a voice inside my head was telling me otherwise...

I need to tell ladybug my true feelings... I want her to know.

She never took me seriously; she thought I was always joking around. She doesn't even like my puns!! I mean there're hilarious!!!

I already messed up before, when we were taking on dark cupid... How could I even tell her...? I wasn't this romantic chick flick type of guy... I need help, from some type of expert on love...

Then it hit me, the perfect person who could help me out to win over ladybug!

Marinette Dupain Cheng.

She made Nino and Alya work right?

Yep she was perfect!!

She acts so nervous around me, it's like she's scared of me or something... but she's really smart... and her designs are amazing... and her taste in fashion is awesome... and she's really prett-

"Adrien!!" plagg screeches out "you were daydreaming again and this time it went on for about 6 minutes." He states "what were you dreaming about, huh?" the dark kwami smirks "uh-nothing it's time to go plagg!" damn the kwami's onto everything!

I race downstairs, eat breakfast and rush to the doors.

"Adrien..." I turn around to face father

"yes father?"

"Don't go anywhere after school... remember you have a photoshoot?"

"yes father.."

"have you done all your homework?"


"Even the extension work Nathalie gave?"

"yes father..." I turn around heading out the door



"Stay safe...okay"

"A-alright"I stutter staring straight into his eyes, checking for the slightest emotion, the slightest sorrow or even concern.


and with that he disappeared into the darkness of his room.

The old father you use to love is gone Adrien, stop trying so hard...

And with that I get into my limo and watch as the world passes by.

Ready for what I had in store for today...


Thanx for reading!

Vote, fan, comment what you think!

Still fixing errors, so if you spot one plz tell meh!



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