Chapter 2-

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Chapter 2-
Hailey's POV-
After Justin texted me back, Kenny and I strolled and shopped around Beverly Hills before heading back to my place to hang out before getting ready for the night.

We sit in my bathroom in front of my vanity applying our make up while jamming to our favorite music. We always turn up and take selfies before going out together, it's a ritual. I walk over to my phone which is charging on the counter and check Twitter. As I scroll through my feed, I see a string of pictures of Justin and Selena out to dinner, looking very cozy. My heart drops to my stomach and I start to get upset. I guess Kendall noticed because she said "Hails, what's wrong?". She walks over to me and peer's over my shoulder to see the photos that I'm looking at. They are horrible quality and not very clear, but it's definitely them in the photos. She sighs and I turn to look at her. "I mean I know it was only one kiss and a bunch of flirting but it still stings a bit" I said. She looks at me with a sad expression "Hun, you can't let him get you down like this! Don't believe everything the paps say" she says. "I know, your right. Now let's finish getting ready!" I say. "That's my girl!" she agrees. I laugh and get up to finish my routine and turn the music up louder. Well tonight sure is gonna be interesting...

Justin's POV-
"Selena I'm tired of this, we are having the same conversation over and over again" I said in frustration. She rolls her eyes and sighs. We are at dinner right now discussing us, or what used to be us. "I just want you to give us a shot again" she said. I stare at her in disbelief. Last month she was done with me and now she wants me back?! God this woman is so frustrating. "Selena, how many times do I have to say this? We are over. Done. Finished. I've moved on so please stop texting me ok? Thanks for dinner but I've gotta meet someone right now..." I said as I stood up to leave. She grabbed my hand as I was about to walk away "This is not over Bieber" she warned. I mumble a whatever as I head towards the exit of the restaurant. I still have to stop at home before I meet Kendall and Hailey out tonight but I think I know how I feel about Hailey and what I want us to be, I just hope she agrees.

As I arrive at The Nice Guy, I'm swarmed by paparazzi as I get out of my car, which is nothing new. These guys follow me every where, it's like they have nothing better to do than stalk me. I keep my gaze ahead and walk straight into the club. As I walk inside I search for Kendall and Hailey and I spot them in the corner, drinks in hand laughing away.  God she is so beautiful and she doesn't even know it. I make my way towards them, and take a deep breath, here goes nothing. "Justin!" Hailey slurs at me. She's drunk I can tell. I smile at her and give her a hug. And then I turn to Kendall and do the same. "Long time no see buddy, you kind of fell off the face of the earth for a couple weeks" Hailey says to me. I shift uncomfortably and scratch the back of my neck "Uh yeah well I guess I was kinda busy? I don't know". She laughs and takes another sip of her drink. I order myself a beer and we start talking light conversation. At around 11:30 Kendall says she has to leave but she exchanges a weird look with Hailey. We say our goodbyes but I don't want to leave yet I still have something to share with Hailey. "Hey you wanna go somewhere quieter?" I ask her. She nods as she picks up her purse and her drink and motions for me to follow her. I pick up my beer and follow her to the outdoor area  at a small table in the corner. We sit and an awkward silence settles between us. I cough awkwardly but she starts talking. "So I saw that you were with Selena earlier" she says. "Yeah about that.." I start but she cuts me off by saying "The pictures hurt me a bit because I thought we had something, but then you ignore me for three weeks and go out with her" she said. She took another sip of her drink and when she put it back on the table I leaned in and kissed her. Slowly at first but she started kissing me more feverishly and moved closer to me. I break the kiss to look into her beautiful brown eyes. " I like you Hailey, and I want to be with you" I said. She looked at me but stood up abruptly and said "Excuse me for a second" before dashing off somewhere. She left me at the table, alone and vulnerable.

Hailey's POV-
I run to the bathroom and throw up. I sat on the cold bathroom floor breathing heavy and reach into my jacket pocket for my phone. Thank god for pockets. I dial Kendall's number and she picks up on the third ring. "He kissed me and he told me he wants to be with me" I said as soon as she picked up. "I knew it, I knew he was into you Hails! So what did you say after Bieber confessed his love for you" she said dramatically. I'm still sitting on the floor of the bathroom stall, but suddenly I feel sober. I drank way too much tonight, but I thought it would give me the confidence to confront Justin about how he ignored me for three weeks, and obviously it worked. "Well, I stared into his eyes and the ran to the bathroom to throw up all of the drinks I had tonight" I said as I heard her laugh from the other end of the phone. "Your kidding right?" She asked. "I wish" I said " and I'm sitting on the floor of the bathroom right now as I speak to you. So what should I do?" I ask. "Chew a piece of gum, take another shot, and go hook up with his hot ass!" she said. I laughed and thanked her before I hung up. I fished a piece of gum out of my pocket (once again, thank god for pockets) stopped at the bar to take a shot and continued to our table where I found Justin on his phone, seeming very occupied by scrolling his Instagram feed. "Um sorry, I just had to use the bathroom" I said as I blushed. He chuckled as I said "where were we?". He cleared his throat and began speaking "Well as I was saying before, I like you a lot and I really would love it if you would go out with me" he said. I looked at him and said "Is Justin Bieber asking me out on a date?" as I raised my eye brow at him. He chuckled and nodded his head, looking embarrassed. God was he cute. I grabbed his face and started kissing him. He relaxed into our kiss and I got lost in him. His lips were so intoxicating and it was like I couldn't get enough of him. He pulled back and looked into my eyes "Why don't we get out of here" he said. I don't know if it was all of the drinks I had, or if I was still drunk from his lips but I nodded my head and he grabbed my hand. We made our way through the club and I kept my head down as he leaded me towards the door. As soon as we stepped out, the flashes and yelling started again. "Justin! Are you and Hailey dating?" "Hailey, is Justin good in bed?" "Hailey, how did you lock down the bachelor of the year?". We walked as quick as we could, him still holding my hand, as he guided me into the car. When he jumped into the drivers seat we both let out a big breath. He smiled at me and I smiled back as we drove in comfortable silence to his house...

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