Chapter 4-

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Chapter 4-
Justin's POV
I stand at her door with a bouquet of flowers in my hand. 12 red roses. I know it's cheesy, but I wanted to show her how much I adore her. I knock on her door and wait for an answer on the other side. Instead I hear loud music thumping through the house. It sounds like Taylor Swift but I'm not sure. Just then the door opens and Hailey is standing there with a big smile on her face. "Hello beautiful" I say as I kiss her on the cheek. I can feel her skin get hot under my touch and when I pull back I see her blushing. She looks so cute when she does that. "You look stunning, by the way" I said. And with that she blushes and even deeper red. "Come in, I just have to grab my bag" she said as she turns to go to what I assume to be her bedroom. Her house is big for just one person, but not too big. It's modern and decorated nicely. I hear the clicking of her heels as she returns from the hallway. She is wearing a high neck black dress, with black scrappy heels and damn does this look do wonders for her curves. "You clean up nice Bieber" she says. I smile at her and offer her the roses "For you" I say. She takes them and inhales their beautiful scent. She puts them on the counter and looks at me expectantly. "Well we should get going" I say. I put my hand on the small of her back to guide her towards the door. I feel electricity between our touch and the memories of last night came flooding back... Her lips, her body, the effect she has on me. I would do anything to have her lips back on mine. As we walk to her driveway I click my car unlocked and she gasps. Yeah, I brought the red Lambo. I can't help it, I love showing off my babies or as people would like to call them, cars. We hop in the car and I turn on the radio to my favorite playlist and start happily humming along to the music as we drive to the restaurant. Out of the corner of my eye I see Hailey staring at me. "What?" I say. "Nothing, you just seem so happy when you sing" she says. I smile sheepishly and say "Well yeah. Music is what I do. I love it". She smiles at me again and I put my hand on her thigh. She covers my hand with hers and in this moment, I am the happiest I've been in years.

Hailey's POV-
We pull up to the restaurant and Justin gets out first to open my door and help me out. I thank him and he flips the keys to the valet. He puts his hand on the small of my back as we walk into the restaurant, swarmed by paparazzi taking our picture and yelling questions at us. Usually they make me nervous, but it's something about the way he's holding me, it makes me feel safe. As we get to the hostess stand. She just stares at us for a moment. I'm sure it's because Justin Bieber is on a date at the restaurant where she works. She quickly recovers and says "What name is your reservation under, sir?". "Bieber, table for two" he answered. I look up at him and take in this beautiful man. He looks really good tonight. He's wearing black fitted dress pants with a white button down, slightly open at the top, and a casual suit jacket on top. But what really got me, was his shoes. I have never seen such beautiful men's shoes. Once we are seated I start looking at the menu and I say "I have to say, I'm obsessed with your shoes". He laughs and lifts his leg from under the table to show them off, causing me to erupt into a fit of laughter. "They're Gucci" he said as he wiggles his foot around in the air. "Justin! Put your foot down!" I say through laughter and he does so smiling at me the whole time. The waiter comes and takes our drink orders, I'm prepaired with my order but Justin orders for the two of us. "We will have a bottle of Dom Pérignon and two glasses" he said. The waiter nodded and rushed off to get the bottle and I laughed a little. It was funny how he made everyone around him nervous, just because he was Justin Bieber. The waiter returned as we made casual conversation and popped the bottle and poured us both a glass. Justin raised his glass and toasted "To us" he said as our glasses clinked and we drank. Mmhhhh I love champagne. By far one of my favorite drinks. We started talking and laughing and drinking some more throughout our meal and this was by far one of the best moments of my life. But suddenly I remember what I had to ask him. "Justin?" "Hm?" "What are we doing?" I said. He looked at me a bit confused. "I mean what are we doing with us? Is there even an us to be concerned about?". He contemplates this and I took another sip of my drink nervously. "Well", he said, "I don't know about you but I would love to date you and make it official". My jaw dropped. I never thought I would hear him say this. He seemed like the "no relationship" kinda guy, but here he was telling me how he wanted me to date him.... officially! My head was spinning but I couldn't tell if it was because of the drinks we are having or the question he just asked me. "I would love to" I said. He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. It wasn't anything deep but it was sweet and fit the moment. I smiled back at him when suddenly someone approached our table. "So I see this is the skank you've replaced me with" the voice said. I look up at them and find a very pretty face looking back at me. Selena fucking Gomez. 

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