Football practice.

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After school I ran to the field where my brother was doing practice. And my boy is new to the team. But I must say he is rubbish. Sorry darling. I walked over to the girls on my team that only sit here because when James and the boys finish they take their shirts of because they are sweating. Don't be so sick girls please that's my bruva! I sit down as I hear them speak about the boys and practice. They all like love me only cause I'm famous for modelling. Argh they make me puke. I then heard my name get called I turned to the Irish voice to see my best mate (again) Niall. I ran up to him as all the girls watched and shouted shit like Niall and Alicia! Ooo! Get a life girls seriously. Niall gave me a cheeky hug and I hugged him back he then leaned on the barrier that keeps us of pitch. Tomorrow is his tournament. Which I'm going to. And I hope Niall is to keep me company. I got broke out my thoughts when I was tackled to the crowns by my brother. I was daydreaming for to long that I didn't realised he came of pitch just to tackle me. I try pushing James of but he was in fits of laughter and so was I and you know that feeling you have that when you laugh you feel weak cause you get that pain in your stomach from laughing to much and everything. I had that and so did he . He soon got up he was about to help me up when Niall grabbed my from under my arms. Raising me but I pushed him of he looked at me confused. "Don't every touch under my arms I'm ticklish." I spoke seriously. I then see an evil grin form on his face. Shît I should start running right? Without thinking I ran onto the pitch. Oops. Oo football. James passed the ball to me. The couch just let him carry on. I then dribbled the football up the pitch I looked down then back up focus in on where I'm going I look down. Next thing I know I'm laying on the ground. Niall hovering over me. I pull my legs up to my chest placing them on his chest forcing all my power onto my legs pushing him of. But he rolled of making me push my legs into nothing. James then ran over with his team bundling Niall. I got up laughing at Niall's face. I looked over to Bradley-May he looked pissed of I walked over to him. I go to wrap my arms round him and ask him what's wrong. But he pushes my arms of. This ain't him. "What up?" I asked confused. "Fûck off Alicia!" He shouted. By now James Niall and the team was behind me looking at him like I was. Niall went to move forward but I stepped infront of him. "What have I done?" I said calmly as I could. Even though I'm boiling with anger that's about to be poured on to him.
"Defiantly not flirting with Niall no Alicia you wasn't!"
I'm done. "Flirting with Niall! Niall's my best mate if you don't fûcking like it then I'm sorry but deal with it!" I stopped to near the coach picking up his ice tea more like snatching oh well. I jogged back to my ex. Took the lid of raised my height but still couldn't reach. I'm small. I can feel a smirk then hands grip my hips lifting me up above my ex. I then slowly poured the ice tea over him.
"I thought you needed some ice for that burn bitčh." I spoke sternly.i looked behind to Niall still holding me up then I heard loads of cheering behind me and Niall sat me on his shoulders. "Niall put me down! " I laugh. He was laughing to as we was walking to the car James and his mates are getting changed so me and Niall said that we would walk home. Niall soon took me of his shoulders but gave me a piggy back. It felt computable.
(Tell me if you can imagine this.)
I jumped onto his back from his offer. I wrapped my arms gently round his neck as his warm hands touched my bare thighs.i was wearing sport shorts so that why. I the hear him laugh and start running I laugh and tell him to stop. He started speaking but I couldn't hear what he was saying. So I rested my chin on his shoulder. As I done that I know it sent a shiver up his spine because I felt him tense up. He then got himself to reality and looked at me flashing a smile. He then carried on speaking. We stopped at the traffic lights and Niall took me of his back. We couldn't cross yet but no cars was coming. I grabbed Niall's hand. Sprinting over the road. "ALICIA!" I hear Niall scream.


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Peace out biâtches. 💯

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