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  One of my favorite words as of today.  May, the land lady, had given me my keys this morning but i wasn't able to actually go inside till later on today, and in this case it would be now. At 7 o'clock at night. But beggers can't be choosers,  and beg I did. This House cost an arm and a leg but its mine.

    I was driving around town today, discovering the new. I moved here two weeks ago, hopping from hotel to hotel till I found a place.

   Moving out here, in the middle of no where in Wisconsin, was a big move from the big apple, but I've always wanted to live in a small town, the city life too busy and loud for me.

    My life dream had always been to become a vet.


Buy my own house in the country, maybe even the woods.


And find the perfect man to raise my dogs with. Maybe even some kids....

not check.

Don't get me wrong,I have my dogs. My Goldendoodle, Shaggy as well as Bullet my mutt. But as for Mr. right? No where in sight, as well as the kids. But there's no rush. I'm still young and hip!

Did I just say hip?  Gross. I sould like mom.

" Oh! Pennie!  I'm glade I got you before you left! " My new coworker Chasity said shuffling over in her high heal boots.

" Oi! Be careful! My feet hurt just watching! " I joke. She rolls her eyes, smiling.

"Any way, it's raining something awful, need a umbrella? "

  " No ma'ma my cars right out front I'll be fine! " I respond pushing at the door hearing the little bell ring.

Chasity really is my mom away from mom. She always makes sure I'm safe and is always cooking me something claiming 'ramen noodles is not a meal for a lady' . She has the high set beehive hair and acts more like a teen than an actually fifty-five year old woman. And honesty, if she could, I think she would rock a pink poodle shirt around the office.

    "All right then hunny, careful on the dirt roads, you'll get stuck faster 'an  gum in hair." She pushed. I laughed," All right Chasity, I'm out! " flipping her a peace sign and running toward my car with my bag and sweater over head.


      While driving, the rain picked up with wind and booming thunder. My wipers on full blast, I was still squinting to see.

    I tried turning the radio in to ease the tension but the stations where fuzzy.

Yellow specs flashed and my windshield and I leaned forward to see what it was. It was blurry at first but ,a little to late, came into view. I slammed on the brakes but not before-


What the actually hell was that? !

I fussed with my seat belt till it flew off, but not before close-lineing me in the face. " You little mother fu- oh just forget it! " I yelled, hopping out of my car and into the very muddy dirt road.

     In front of my car was an up rooted tree, but the bizarre part was the very large eyes staring at me from the base. I crouched down and walked closer. The mass shifted and growled. I stopped ," h-hello? "

  It stopped too, and just watched me for a while. I  stood still, not wanting to anger it. It tried standing but fell Back down and whimpered." I'm going to help you,ok? " I  said slowly walking closer i saw it was more than covered in mud, in fact, he seemed to be stuck in  It.

   I rushed quicker to him, " Oh, you're a big boy, hu? "  It's low growls fadded. I walked around his rear and started pulling mud away from his hind legs so he could move.

   His tail wagged . Someones happy to be free. As quick as i dug him out, he jumped up out of the mud. He limped forward but stumbled.

    " Oh you poor baby! " i cooed. It growled," Ok fine! No more 'poor baby' c-can i still help? " l asked.

Oh my freaking god, I'm trying to talk to the damn dog now! I've lost it!

It limped over toward to my car." Ok, Yah good idea! " i agreed. Running up behind him i pushed him into the backseat and he growled. " Don't you dare Mr. dog! I'm trying to help you! "  i scolded. It just layed back down.

" My stubborn Client..." I grumbled hopping into my seat.

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