Luna's Ceremony

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Hate stems from fear.
And God do you hate me.


Wolves howled in the distance, at first just a few of their voices rising before the entire pack began. Andrew held me close as we listened to them, my breath being caught in my lungs at the sound of them.

"Listen to this." Andrew said with a smile as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. At first, I thought I might find it silly, a grown man howling like an animal.

But, he was an animal - and his howl did something to my body.

His lungs filled as he joined in, sneaking in before bellowing with the others. They looked so peaceful and happy, joined together and howling like it was their favorite thing in the world.

When his lungs gave up and his air had run thin, Andrew chuckled and looked down at me as his face darkened with a blush. "Well? We're you impressed?" He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably.

I nodded finding myself speechless, still listening to the others as they began to trail off.
Andrew leaned down and kissed my cheek, dabbing my nose with his finger to get my full attention. "You better, I was expressing my love for you."

I pushed on his chest lightly with a smile as my face burned. "Do you want me to howl and express my love for you too?"

"Hell no." Andrew cleared his throat with the shake of his head as he chose nicer words. "Please don't. I've heard humans howl before - or try to. It hurts my ears." Andrew paused, a smirk growing on his lips as I heard him laugh sneakily in his mind. "You can express your love through other ways, since you seem so eager."

Before I had time to gripe at him, more howling began again - but not like how they previously were. This time was more loud, solemn sounding with lots of energy. I could only picture a scene in my mine, a pack of wolves catching the first scent of prey.

I felt like I was vibrating.

Andrew held me loosely so I knew not to be afraid. This was it, the start of the ceremony.

I wanted to talk to him more but Andrew sighed and pulled away. "I've called for Brooklyn to come get you. I have to go." His voice sounded muffled with all the noise, and I was nervous to let him go.

Andrew walked away hesitantly, not a second later Brooklyn called for me from a distance, waving her hand so I could see her. When I reached her, she hauled me towards the podium that had been made today, rushing me lightly but not so much that I would fall or trip. "We don't have much time and I must leave you soon. Once I give you the signal I want you walk down the path they've created for you and wait on your knees on the stage, okay?"

My eyes looked down to the small aisle the pack had formed as they lined on either sides, waiting expectantly as they all gathered.

"Don't forget about what we talked about earlier. Just walk and sit, the rest will be explained once Andrew gets here." Brooklyn nodded her head at me. Looking up at the moon as the hair on her arms stood upright. She shivered, looking back at me as her eyes glowed in the moonlight. "It's time."

Brooklyn left my side as I slowly began to take my first steps to the platform. They were watching me carefully as I walked to the beat of a low drum, trying to keep my heart from racing.

I climbed the steps to the podium, resting on my knees as I was instructed and I folded my hands into my lap.

I noticed Brooklyn, standing off to the side with James as they didn't participate. They were not apart of this pack, and Andrew and I did not rule over them.

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