Roses Are White

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A rose is not remembered by its petals.
It's remembered by its thorns.


Emily's pov...

I pretended to look at the sky, getting rather flustered under Andrew's hard stare. What was he looking at?

What could it possibly be that caught his attention? Did something happen earlier that aggravated him and he held it in?

Andrew smiled, snapping out of his trance as he blinked, a bit embarrassed he had been caught by me in such a daze. "Don't worry about me. It makes me feel weird."

I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest in defense. "Don't give me something to worry about."

The shadows of the forest line trickled into the field, crawling over the blades of grass as it grew closer to us the more the sun went down.

I could feel the awareness creeping within me. It was close to being time.

"I've mind linked Brooklyn to come find you, I must leave and get ready. She will explain the process over with you, and ask her any questions if you're confused, she'll understand." Andrew couldn't stand to part just yet, his hands reaching for me as he tilted my chin upward to meet his lips with my own.

There wasn't much privacy given to us today, which meant we went without contact like this for long period of time. My body was surprised by the way his lips made me feel, not yet adapting to Andrew's full force of affection. I groaned against his lips, his shoulders sagging as he parted to let me go.

"Not yet - just one more."

"Andrew, your making the mother wolves take their pups the other direction." Brooklyn's voice filled the air as Andrew shielded my face from her view, giving me the chance to control my blushing. Andrew's stream of curses weren't ignored as Brooklyn rolled her eyes. "Yeah, that will get them to come back."

I pulled away from Andrew, squeezing his fingers before I dropped his hand and went with Brooklyn. "I'll see you soon." I turned back to him with a wave, saddened to be leaving him.

Andrew sighed, resting his hands on his hips as he watched me go. "Not soon enough."

Brooklyn linked her arm with mine as she led me to a more secluded area. "Luna - as difficult as it may seem, I need you for just a moment to go through the steps for tonight." Her voice was smoother now, her mind focusing on what needed to be done next.

"You too? Not even you can call me by my name?" I glanced over at Brooklyn as she began to shake her head.

"We're not supposed to, very rarely do we call any Alpha or Luna by their original name." Brooklyn paused, taking a moment to find the right words. "As an Alpha, your word to any wolf means law. We tend to hold our leadership very highly, so if we call you by your name instead of Luna - it feels disrespectful for us and wrong." Her face grimaced at the thought.

"Could I not give you permission?"

Brooklyn offered me a small smile as she shook her head again. "If you don't prefer Luna, then how about Luna Blood?"

That name sent shivers up my body, I didn't know if it was in excitement or unease. "Is that really his last name?" I asked, knowing the answer yet somehow hoping she would tell me something different.

"It was once mine too, and I was glad to be rid of it. That name carries a lot of weight and baggage - which only makes me more excited for you to take it and rewrite its reputation!"

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