Love Over Life

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You don't have to pretend you're okay.
No one is happy all the time.

Emily's pov...

Dameon and Gale escorted me back to the pack house when they had finished, the rest of the time going well after the little incident from earlier and the pack really enjoying the game better than expected.

They had gotten to know each other, placed in the right situation to work together on a simple goal at first.

It made me happy to know my efforts today weren't in vain, even Dameon and Gale were impressed with how much they were able to watch and learn.

As we drew closer to the house, Dameon was deep in thought while communicating through his mind, his eyes glazing over though he continued to keep stride next to us.

"What is it?" My interests peaked at his facial expression, wondering what had caused him to frown like so.

"Our guests would like your appearance at dinner."

"Dinner?" The apple from earlier was enough of a struggle to eat and keep down, the idea of having to force myself to eat in front of them stirred my fight or flight.

Gale's eyes lingered a bit too long on me, worried for me because he knew I wasn't eating properly while Dameon could only keep his gaze directed ahead.

With a defeated sigh I pulled away from them and headed inside first. My stomach was in knots, my hands wringing in front of me to fight off the embarrassment.

I glared at the dining hall doors, forcing myself to look past all the memories Andrew lingered in so that I could breathe. With my hand on the door and Gale and Dameon standing behind me, the pressure was put on my shoulders to pull this off well without any issues.

Opening the door, I couldn't bring myself to smile like our guests did at my arrival. There was little food in front of them, instantly pulling my suspicions knowing they usually had an appetite for more.

I took cautious steps towards the table, Christine Birdy waving for me to come sit next to her.

I could feel Gale and Dameon shift their weight in unease, usually flanking either side of me while we attempted meals. They sat to the side of me, quiet while we were in the presence of the others.

"We're happy that you're eating with us tonight," Morgan said softly despite the nervous energy filling the air. I could only nod at her while a plate was pushed in front of me, filled completely with food that I was certain I could not finish.

I looked up at Morgan with eyes narrowed, meeting her silent challenge as she smiled from across me.

The smell alone was enough to make me sick, though if anyone else were to have a meal like this in front of them they could easily devour it with no complaints. I courageously lifted the fork, prodding around at the food and even lifted a piece of roast on the prongs.

The Alphas and Lunas would pretend not to notice, their lazily constructed conversation was enough for me to realize that this was a set up against me.

I put the food in my mouth, my tongue cringing away from the food as my mouth produced an abundance of saliva. I could feel my throat clench, about to gag and reject the food like it had done for days now.

I raised a napkin to my lips and dabbed until it was safe to spit the food out and carefully fold the napkin around it.

Tears sprung to my eyes before I took a deep breath, my stomach clenching again and only irritating the knots inside me.

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