Sneak away on day 1

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~In the morning~

*through transponder*

Ketsu: Sabine WAKE UP! We have a problem.

Sabine: *falls of her bunk* What the heck! Don't scare me like that. Glam almost fell out of her bunk while I did.

Ketsu: Sorry but we have an emergency. Everyone is waiting for Saige. You need to get here NOW.

Sabine: I'm not going.

Glam: Just sneak out.

Ketsu: Portal now.

Sabine: Ketsu, quiet now.

Ketsu: Open one to the Karaoke now.

Sabine: If I don't?

Ketsu: I'll go pull you out of there myself and tell them everything.

Sabine: Portal it is. Portal to Karaoke.

*A portal opens*

Glam: Wow. Can Chopper and I come?

Sabine: If you promise not to tell anyone.

*They all jump in and end up at the karaoke*

Glam: This is the place you left to when you escaped. We came here every day and you were here.

Sabine: Yeah. I found out I was making a small difference so I became Saige and started a small band/family.

Ketsu: Speaking of which, your on. Transform back.

*Sabine snaps her fingers and turns back to Saige*

Glam: Wow. I'm actually meeting Saige. Can I have your autograph?

Sabine: After the show.

Ketsu: Good. You are meeting fans later so up we go. The others are waiting.

Sabine: Glam, want to join us?

Glam: Yes. What can I do?

Sabine: Back up singer with Briez.

*They all head to the stage*

Lux: Finally. Thought you were a no show.

Sabine: Hello Lothal. For today's show, we ask for you to stay for a fan ask after the show. Now let's start the show.

~At the ghost~

Ezra: There gone.

Hera: They couldn't have just disappeared.

Kanan: Have you checked the Holocast lately?

Ezra: Huh?

Evie: Turns put that the famous Saige finally showed her face again.

Hera: Really?

Evie: Oh yeah. She's doing a live concert at the karaoke right now and something special at the end.

Kanan: And look who's with the band.

*They see Glam and Chopper*

Ezra: Those two knew and snuck out. And they didn't invite me? I wanted to take Sabine there.

(UR, Completed) Life On My WildsideWhere stories live. Discover now