First date?

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Ezra P.O.V
She said yes. I'm going on a date with Saige. I can't wait and I have a surprise for her. I love her even if the crew doesn't approve.

~At the Ranger~

Sabine: Why do I have to dress up?

Sauat: First date as Saige.

Sabine: Come on. I've gone on many dates with Ezra.

Sauat: Yeah, as Sabine. Your Saige now. We don't want you to blow this. If they find out...

Sabine: They'll make me go back, I know. But I love him and I won't be able to keep this for long.

Sauat: Trust me, you'll get what you want but you have to do this first.

Sabine: Fine but I'm hanging out with him no matter what you say.

Sauat: See. Get rid of that Sabine and bring out Saige.

Sabine: Rainbow and rain. Let the sun shine and let the music play as loud as it can.

Sauat: There we go. Now let's go.

*They go outside to meet the crew*

Marnie: You had to dress her up?

Sauat: Yup. She looks pretty in that dress.

Sabine: She means shirt and skirt because I will never wear a dress.

Glam: Perfect.

Briez: It's missing something. Jewelry!

*She gives her rings and bracelets*

Ketsu: You should take of that ring. He might recognize it.

Sabine: Do I have to? I never take it off.

Glam: Take it and if he asks, say you found it on the market.

Briez: Now go. Go and be happy with dad.

Sabine: Okay. I'll see you guys later.

Glam: If dad doesn't take you to the ghost.

*Sabine leaves then the others start laughing*

Sabine: I can hear you.


Sabine P.O.V
I'm about to go on a date with my old boyfriend and I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm happy but nervous. I love him too much to pretend. Well, here we go.

*Sabine walks into the karaoke*

Sabine: Mr. Sumar, have you seen Ezra anywhere?

Sumar: No. Here's a table though. A boy came here earlier to save it. You might as well take it.

Sabine: Thank you.

Sumar: Okay. There's a surprise for you. You may need this.

*Sumar gives Sabine a violin and walks away and lights dim. Ezra comes on stage with a guitar*

Ezra: This goes out to a special girl.

(Me again. I have always thought this song is so cute I decided to used it)

Sabine: What just happened?

Ezra: I sang a song for a beautiful girl.

Sabine: Okay.

Ezra: Now you know I also like to sing.
Sabine: Yeah but I still don't know you.

Ezra: Maybe you would like to meet my crew.

Sabine: No thanks, it's okay.

Ezra: Let's just enjoy the rest of our date. You look beautiful Saige.

Sabine: Thanks but what will we do?

Ezra: We can stay here and talk. You make a choice, your Saige, the princess.

Sabine: I don't like being called special names like that. I just like being with family and friends. It doesn't have to be cool or romantic, just normal.

Ezra: Well, I like being romantic and protecting the people I love.

Sabine: Well, this has been nice. I better go.

Ezra: You just got here. Why so soon?

Sabine: Because my friends will get worried if I don't get home.

Ezra: Your friends live with you?

Sabine: Yes. I only have my sisters and my friends. We created a small team and fight against the empire. I'm also a jedi and so are my some of family.

Ezra: Have you thought of joining the rebellion?

Sabine: Yes but I didn't want to get my friends involved. They're my new family and I don't want to lose them.

Ezra: That sounds like a good choice.

Sabine: That's what they said. They made me their leader.

Ezra: Cool. I wish I could join your crew but I can't leave my family. We got into a problem and need to solve it.

Sabine: Too bad. It would have been nice to have my boyfriend there with me.

Ezra: What? I'm your boyfriend?!

Sabine: Yeah. Your sweet and kind. I like people who care about others. I can tell that you have pain. From childhood to now.

Ezra: My parents were taken by the empire. I lived on the streets for 7 years until the crew found me and took me in. I feel in love with Sabine but she left.

Sabine: She told me.

Ezra: She told me to move on and I did. I found you. *holds her hand*

Sabine: She gave you good advice. If someone doesn't see how cool you are, they don't deserve to know you.

Ezra: Thanks. You seem nicer than last time we were together.

Sabine: Because I know you better than before. Your cute. Now if you excuse me, I have to go back home.

Ezra: I'll walk you.

*They exit and Ezra walks Sabine to the Ranger*

Sabine: Thank you. I had fun.

Ezra: Your welcome and you know where I am if you want to come over.

Sabine: I will Ezra. Thank you. Be careful and goodnight.

*Sabine starts walking into the ship but Ezra calls her*

Ezra: Saige wait.

Sabine: Yeah.

Ezra: Goodnight and hope we can do this again.

Sabine: Me too.

*Sabine gives Ezra a kiss. She goes inside and closes the ramp*

Ezra: I have a girlfriend, yes!

*He runs back to the ghost all happy and screaming*

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