Through the force

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3rd Person
Ezra sat at the table during dinner. He sat quietly focusing on the force. Everyone just looked at him waiting to see what he did.

Hera: Is he okay Kanan?

Kanan: He's alright just let him focus.

Zeb: What is he doing?

Evie: I think he's communicating with the force or having a vision.

Ruby: I sence he's trying to find Sabine. He's trying to communicate with her.

Steve: This is exciting. Wis, go get Glam.

Wis: She's not here again.

Ruby: Where does she go?

Wis: She says she goes to the city.

Kanan: Be quiet. Ezra is mumbling.

*They listen to Ezra but he's not talking but singing. He sings, stays quiet and sings again*

~At the ranger~

Briez: Why is mom so quiet? Why does she sing and quiet down?

Ketsu: Must be an artist thing.

Ahsoka: She's singing with someone else. I feel it. Someone's trying to talk to her.

*They hear Sabine singing and she gets up and leaves to her room*

Ahsoka: We need to stop her before Sabine opens a window to see who's she's talking with.

*They follow Sabine to her room and find her singing again*

*They see a light flash and see Ezra on it. Sabine puts her hand up and so does Ezra*

Ahsoka: Briez, close the window.

Briez: I don't know who to do it.

Marnie: We'll help you. Sauat, get through the portal and help Glam.

*Sauat goes to the ghost and tells Glam what to do. They point to the window. Marnie and Briez do the same thing. They shoot it with their power and the window disappears*

Sauat: Come on.

*Sauat and Glam leave to the Ranger*

Sabine: What did you do? I wanted to see him.

Marnie: He could have seen us. Do you think of the consequences?

Sabine: I love him and I'll keep using the force if I have to.

Briez: That was my dad. I want to see him.

Sabine: You can't. You only saw him there because of me.

Briez: Will I ever meet him?

Sabine: Maybe. He doesn't know about you, that's what I'm afraid of.

Glam: Not mean to do anything, but what will happen if they start suspecting something?

Sabine: Say that he wasn't concentrating. That always worked for Kanan.

*The crew laughs*

Glam: I'll try.

*They keep making fun of the old times*

Sauat: Wish I had stayed instead of leaving.

Marnie: Wish I did something like that with the empire.

*They keep on laughing*

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