Chapter 3; Mommys greatest pain.

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Barry's POV;

I woke to the sound of Kat screeching.
"Barry! Barry!"
I look over to see her.........on the floor?
"Why are you on the floor?" I yelled "And why are you screaming?" I ran over to her and kneeled down beside her.
She swung her hand up and whacked me on the side of the head."Listen asshole, I'm having a damn baby here!!!" I felt my legs turn to jelly. "You" I squeaked. She attempted to hit me again but missed. "Ok, here we go." I said picking her up and speed-ran to the hospital.
When we got there everything was a blur. All that was clear was when we went into the room and I started screaming for someone to get Violette on the phone. I grabbed the phone and screamed, "Where are you?!? I NEED HELP!" She told me to calm down and let me know where she was. I hung up and speed-ran to the location she gave me. I was met by
her and Cisco at Sweet Frog. I busted in like the maniac screaming Violette's name. She sped walked over to me and harshly slapping me on the cheek, leaving it slightly pink and stinging. "WHY DOES EVERY ONE KEEP SLAPPING ME?!?" I shouted, while being stared at by families trying to enjoy their yogurt. She slapped me again to prove a point and said, "We don't have time for this!" She stopped and spun around to face Cisco. "Its okay," He giggled, kissing her on the forehead. "Kat needs you." We waved at our audience and headed outside. She jumped on my back and we sped to the hospital. Once we got there, everything was a blur. I wasn't aware of anything until I heard someone scream, "Push!" Unfortunately, that was the last thing I remember before my legs turned to jelly, and everything went black.
"......Baarrryyyy..." A soft voice whispered.
"...mghgchmgh." I groaned in protest.
"BARRY!" It shouted.
"Wha-arggg." I said rearing, as pain shot through my head. I looked up to see Cisco smiling at me. "Wha-what happened?" I said, massaging my temples. He shook his head and chuckled. "Ya slept through the whole thing, Care Bare." I couldn't feel worse, but I had to see her. I had to see them both. "You ready to meet your daughter?" He said.

I opened the door to see Kat crying. Tears of joy. I smiled and walked over to kiss her. "You did it." I said looking into her eyes. She replied by simply handing me our baby. "Hi, Hollie." I whispered to her. "Welcome to the family." A single tear rolled down my cheek as I looked into her eyes as I had done with Kat.
Wait, what was that? As I looked closer, I could have sworn I saw a purple glint, flash across her pupil.

A\N: Hey my dudes. Hella sorry about the wait, especially since the chapter was SUPER short. I just feel like this inst appreciated that much (and I can't blame you) so I have no reason to write. Also, Im going to start these challenges where I ask you a question, and the funniest and most original replies get shout outs in the following A/N. First question: If you had one super power, what would it be? Kay, later my dudes, and remember, keep it fresh

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