Chapter 1.

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[ Not edited at all. Sorry for any mistakes you might see but let's be real for a moment. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has those days. Ok sorry,
I'm done now. Continue with the story, bye! ]

Kalia's POV:

"Why don't you ever get a boyfriend?!" My best friend asked. I roll my brown eyes once again at her ridiculous question. She literally asks this question everyday of my life.

"I don't like anyone" I reply, the same answer I said before. She walks a bit faster beside me, catching up to my speed. She is a bit shorter than me so it is hard to keep up with my pace.

She groans loudly, "You need a relationship"

I huff as we take a turn down the long hall. My best friend Samantha has always been a relationship expert. She would always bother me with questions about getting a partner. Even though I really don't want one, she just won't give up.

I was never the relationship type of person. Yes, I may have liked some people before but never had an actual relationship. On the other hand, Samantha has tried too many times to find the perfect guy. She basically dated half of the male population and none were good enough for her. She wants someone perfect for her, she is also a bit possessive.

It isn't hard for her to get a boyfriend at all. Especially with her gorgeous looks and perfect personality. Any guy would fall for her in a month or so.

Today her long brown hair was in a high ponytail and her outfit was on point. She did have a sense of fashion when it came to clothing. I looked like trash when I stand next to her. My curly brown hair was in a simple bun and I didn't really plan an outfit. I just slipped on some jeans and a white t-shirt. I never really liked to dress up at all, not my style.

"I don't need one, I'm good" I reply. She shakes her head with a smirk and walks away. I stand at the door to my class as Samantha walks to hers. I wait for her to say goodbye to me, we do this everyday.

"Don't worry! You will find somebody!" I hear her shout at me. I laugh at myself because of Samantha's silliness.

I turn around to enter the door but instead bump into someone. A hard muscular chest causes me to fall down on my bum.

"Shit" I mutter as all my books crash to the floor. I look up to see a really attractive guy. He is a bit dark and tan, with a nice built. His brown chocolate eyes meet mine awkwardly. He quickly scrambles up from the floor. My bum starts to ache a bit from the fall.

"Sorry" he says with a blush appearing on his cheeks. He gives me a small smile as he helps me pick up my books. I avoid eye contact and just stare at the books on the ground. This reminds me of the really cheesy high school movies.

Cliché as fuck.

"It's fine, I bet you didn't even see me" I say laughing it off. I get up from the floor and he does the same. I wipe my bum and my knees from the dirtiness of the floor. When he finishes picking up my books we both enter the math classroom. He follows closely behind me, I feel everyone's stares on us.

"Let me take those" I say grabbing the books from his arms. He lets out a small awkward chuckle. My eyes flicker to his biceps. Let me tell you, he had really nice biceps.

I quickly turn away and walk over to my regular seat. I usually sit around the front two rows, I like being near the board. I pay attention more up here, and get better grades. Yes, I'm one of those kids.

I never really liked being in the back of the class with the annoying group of guys. Also never really liked this class, Math class. I always had difficulty with learning to do these types of math equations.

As the class started I turned to see if my other best friend was here too. We usually take this class together most of the time. Her name is Jade, we met in middle school. She is extremely shy but also really attractive looking like Samantha.

While I turn my neck to look at her,
I catch someone starring at me. It was the kid from earlier. His eyes widened he realizes that I caught him. He sits up straighter and scratches the back of his neck. He smiles and waves at me, he is kind of cute.

Kalia! What are you saying?!

A snicker escaped my mouth as he looked a bit embarrassed. I immediately smile and turn around. I could feel my face heat up and my smile grows bigger. I ignore the feeling I have about him, I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad one. It's the feeling that someone might think your attractive and your ego boosts up. Yeah, that feeling.

I start to concentrate on my teacher and not to the guy that sits all the way in the back. I don't even know his name, is that a bad thing?

Samantha, or I like to call her Sam, has been with me since day one. Also Jade, she was always there for me. We all became a group of best friends. Somehow we made our friendship last through all out middle school and into high school.

"Kalia!" I hear someone bring me back from my deep thoughts.

"Um, yea?"

"What's the answer?" My teacher asked with a annoyed look on his face. He never liked me, he always tries to call me out and pick on me.

"I don't know and I don't care" I reply.

He rolls his eyes, "Ohndrae, would you like to help Kalia?"

I turn to see who this 'Ohndrae' kid is. I see the guy that helped me this morning. That must be his name then, Ohndrae. It's a nice name I guess, I would have never guessed it.

"It's twenty four" he mumbles. Oh and he is smart, interesting.

"See Kalia, he pays attention unlike someone" my teacher says again. I sigh heavily. I just want to die right now, this teacher is so annoying.

I turn to glare at Ohndrae, he made me look bad in front of the class. He doesn't make eye contact with me so I can't do anything about it.

"Can you just keep teaching the class?" I asked annoyed. I turn back to the teacher but he is already walking away from my seat. My teacher ignores me and continues teaching.

Ugh, this Ohndrae kid is already annoying me. I'm supposed to be the smartest kid in class, not him. He is already on my bad side. I hope I don't get to see him again. But why would I see him again?

Hello readers! This is the first chapter to this book that I got inspired by my friend.

She knows who she is 😉. Ah, this is going to be a fun book to write! I hope you are enjoying right now. Cause I know I am.

I think I'm enjoying this way too much than how I'm supposed to. Anyways I'll be back with the second chapter soon! Follow me to see updates!

I hope you have a awesome day. And an awesome life because why not? I hope a special someone doesn't read this or I'll kill myself.

I'm kidding! It's a joke. I'm not actually gonna kill myself. I'm not insane or mental. Trust me, I'm fine.

Anyways, good bye!

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