Chapter 4

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Perrie's POV...

Today is the day that Zayn leaves me to go to America. It has been a wonderful week spending time with him. I just wish it didn't go by so fast.

We were now pulling into the airport parking lot. Zayn told everyone that I was driving him there myself. I normally don't drive, especially when Zayn is around. He's usually the one to drive.

"We're here" I said monotone as i found a parking space.

Zayn opened the door and got out. He went around back and opened the trunk, not saying a word. I followed and tried to grab me of his suitcases, but he stopped me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Im grabbing a suitcase."

"They're heavy." He said.

"I don't care. I want to help you" I insisted.

"Take this" He said and handed me his duffle bag. I sighed and took it knowing that it was either this or nothing.

He slammed the door shut as soon as he grabbed all his bags. Im probably carrying his hair products. I laughed a little because i knew it was probably true. But im not complaining, Zayn has got nice hair because of it.

We walked silently through the lot of cars and inside the huge building. I knew his departure would be soon and that our goodbyes would be sooner.

We walked hand in hand to gate 7 and saw the rest of the boys and girls talking by the gate.

"About time you two show up" Eleanor joked. I rolled my eyes and set down Zayns bag which was getting heavy on my shoulder.

"They announced the plane will be taking off in about 20 minutes. That leaves us 10 minutes to do whatever, otherwise Simon will have a cow." Liam said sadly as he wrapped his arm around Dani's waist.

"Im going to miss you, Perrie, so much." Zayn said looking deep in my bright blue eyes.

"Im going to miss you even more." I said staring into his brown ones.

"I'll try my best and call you every night i can. I'll pause the shows if that means getting time to talk to you." He said. I felt my insides melt.

"Zayn, you don't have to stop any of the shows for me. I understand that you'll be constantly busy. It's okay. Just shoot me a short little text to let me know you're okay" I said and he nodded.

"I love you, Perrie. You know that?" He asked and i chuckled.

"I had a feeling" I said causing him to let out a laugh. "I love you too"

After my comment, his lips connected to mine and we broke into a passionate kiss. I savored his lips on mine and slightly pouted when we pulled apart.

"Flight 674 to New York is boarding now"  A lady said on the overhead speaker. I looked back up to Zayn and he gave me a sad smile. I let a few tears go as he embraced me in a hug.

After a few moments, we let go. I said bye to all the boys and they were off to America for the first time for six months. A few more tears rolled down my cheeks as i stood there, staring at the empty space where the boys had just left. Im not sure how im going to deal with any of them not being here this long.

"Come on. Let's go get something to eat" El said. I nodded and El, Dani, Jade, Jesy, Leigh-Anne, and I all walked out of the airport together silently. More tears were strolling down my face and i saw bright flashes. I knew there would be pictures of us all in tears by later today. The hate still hasn't died down from the other pictures being leaked earlier in the week.

I sat down in my car after we all settled on meeting at Nandos. I put the key in the ignition, but didn't turn it on. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the pictures that Zayn and I took before we left.

I found the one i really liked of me kissing his cheek as he smiled brightly into the camera. I made it my wallpaper and shoved my phone back into my pocket. I turned the key and the engine roared to life.

I pulled out of the parking lot and drove to the nearby Nandos. I pushed all thoughts of Zayn to the back of my mind before i would break down.

I got out of the car and walked inside. The girls were wiating in line to get seated. I walked over to them and one of the workers showed us to a table in the back which i was thankful for.

It was silent while we looked over our menus.

"Hello. I'm Meghan. I'll be your server today." A girl who had light brown frizzy wavy hair with bright blue eyes stood next to our table with a note pad and pen in her hand. "Are you all ready to order?" She asked. I could tell she knew who we were by her slight shakiness, symbolizing she was nervous.

We all nodded and ordered our food. After the waitress left, we went into a small conversation about what we're going to do over the course of these next months.

Dani is going back on the xfactor for dancing and she also got excepted to dance for a few other groups. Eleanor is going to finish up school online so she doesn't have to leave London. She said she'll visit her parents in a few weeks. As for the girls and I, we'll be having interviews and performances because in a few weeks our DNA album will be released.

Dani was explaining to us who she'll be touring with and where she's going. It makes me wonder what the fight about her and Liam was about.

Our food soon came and we dug in. I was enjoying my Peri Peri Chicken as we talked some more about this and that.

The waitress came and refilled our glasses and when we were ready to go, we paid for our food and i left her a 5 dollar tip on the table for her to find when she cleans up.

We were walking outside to go our separate ways when my phone rang. I was expecting it to be my mum or brother since Zayn is still on the plane.

I took my phone out. I didn't know the number. I compenplated whether i should pick up or not. On the last ring i finally did.

"Hello?" I asked unsure.

"Hello. Is this Perrie Edwards?" A woman asked.

"Uh..yeah thats me. Why?" I asked confused. Who was this and why is she calling me.

"We have contacted Ms. Malik and her family.-" I cut her off before she could continue.

"What's wrong?!" I asked urgenly. Why would she need to contact them?

"Please come down to the Lancaster Hospital. It's an emergency"


Ooooh What do you think is going to happen?

Lancashire is a city North West of London. Some of you might have not known that. Thought i would tell ya.

My internet is being a bum so im not sure when this will finally post. Ughh.

As for now, bye!! x :)

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