forgive and forget

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Adams POV

i wake up to a ceiling of white. "where am I?" I wonder. I turn my head towards my left only to see cords and another pillow. I look down seeing myself dressed in a hospital gown. hospital? suddenly a nurse walks in. "oh, you're awake! my names ms. lee I'll be your nurse for the day." she hands me a glass of water which I drink trying not to spill it on myself. "what happened? why am I here? what's going on?" I ask a bunch of questions and I can tell ms. lee is startled but I have to know. "well, you see, a student at your school decided to bash your head in to a fucking toilet several times. you then passed out on toilet and another student found you and told the office. you were sent there then eventually woke up not knowing as to what had happened. then we took you in to an ambulance and while you were jerking your stinger around strangely,  you fell asleep and well now you're awake." what the actual fuck. why would someone do that to me? is it because I smell like ointment and pee? did someone find out I one time snapped my stinger in half? "you have a visitor. he is the-" she gets interrupted from a rather attractive bee. "I'll talk to him." he says while he enters the room leaving me and him alone. (wink wonk ;) ) "adam..." "my names adolf hitler what's an adam?" "no it isn't. you only remember a few things but not the important things. what do you remember?" "my moms a whore and in the second grade I once ate a piece of pubic hair for five dollars then had to go to the hospital because it went down the wrong pipe and wouldn't come out." "um alright well your real name is adam. not adolf whatever you said." "right, right. so who the hell did this to me again?" he stares at me for a minute right when I say that. I begin to take note of his face to see if he looked familiar. his eyes are really blue: ocean blue. he has snot coming down his nose that's disgusting. and his ass. ass? ASS! "YOU! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO PUT ME IN THIS GOD DAMN HOSPITAL BED! WHY WOULD YOU?! WERE ALL FUCKING BEES THAT SHOULD BE TREATED WITH RESPECT!" I slap my ass after saying those encouraging words. "look, I'm really sorry but you threw your own shit at me what else was I suppose to do eat it?!" he's throwing his arms in the air and I'm scared as to what he's gonna do. "adam believe me I really am sorry! you're right I shouldn't have done that to you especially since you're in a hospital bed and well you're stinger might be....never mind just im sorry okay?" he blabs on about. "fine but I won't forget about this." I shoe him away from the room. I begin to think about what else I forgot but nothing is clearing up. Bernie? i have a friend named something like that. or bert. I don't remember. I close my eyes and fall asleep shortly after.

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