Ch.1 Moving Away From California

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I got all my stuff packed in my car. I drive a 1967 Chevy Impala. "Well I'll see you when I come to visit which may be in a few months" I say walking to my parents. "Okay, honey, just be safe on the highway" my mom said, "I will" I said smiling, hiding the tears, "oh I love you guys" I said hugging my mom and dad at the same time. "We love you too" my dad said. "Well I gotta go" I said wiping my tears away, "I'll call once I get there" I said smiling. "Okay, be carful" my mom said smiling. "I will" I said starting my car. "Bye" I said looking out the window, "bye" they said and then I was off.

After hours of driving and stopping along the way I finally made it. It's about 7:30pm, I park my car and walk up to my apartment. I've been here a few times already since of all my new furniture and getting all the papers signed and stuff like that done. I unlock the door and open it. I turned on the lights and saw my adorable apartment. Everything is black and white, since I love those two colors. I walk through it all just to make sure everything is there. And it is. So I walk out and start grabbing stuff then a hear "hey, what are you doing". I jumped and looked up at a figure, it was a guy. I couldn't see his face though. "Umm getting my stuff for my new place" I said, "no you are stealing my stuff" he said walking toward me. "Then why do you have the same car as me" he said, "this is my car,  look even my stuff is in hear". He looked and I then saw his face, he was hot. "Oh sorry, I'm Dean Winchester" he said smiling, "I'm Faith Hollister" I said smiling, "yeah I guess I didn't see my car parked right next to you, sorry about that, let me help you" he said grabbing some boxes and those boxes had my weights in them. "Geese what's in these" he said struggling, "my weights" I said smirking. We got inside and set them down. "Hmm Candor girl" he said looking around, "hey, I don't always tell the truth like Candor, I just like their style, I'm more Dauntless" I said smiling. "Same" he said smiling then we got more stuff.

Once we got done he said "wanna go to a restaurant", "umm sure" I said grabbing my purse then he said "let's go". "Let's take my Impala" he said, "okay" I said and we got in. I noticed in his Impala there was salt and a shotgun. "Hunter, what you hunt" I said, "umm, deer, and rabbits" he said. "Liar, I can also sense when people are lying, but anyway you hunt, monsters and demons" I said looking at him, "that stuff is fake" he said laughing, "dude it's alright, I've seen things and killed things" I said smiling. "Okay, what have you seen" he said relaxing, "umm, ghost and monsters" I said then pulled out a Angle blade. "See" I said showing him the knife, "cool, I have that same one" he said smiling. "I some times hunt but not all the time" I said, "yeah, me and my brother hunt 24/7, it's quiet crazy" he said smirking. "I bet" I said then I turned on the radio and Twenty Øne Piløts came on. "Nice" I said. 'Fairly Local' was on.

After listening to Twenty Øne Pliøts we finally got to the restaurant. It was really nice. We walked in and then a waitress took us to our table. "What would you like to drink" she said looking at me and Dean. "Two beers" Dean said smirking, "alright" she said and walked away, "you know what I like" I said smirking. "Well I'm gonna get ribs" I said closing my menu. "And I'm gonna have a burger" he said closing his menu. Then the waitress came and said "hears your beers, do you know what you want to order", "yes, I'd like the ribs" I said, "and you" she said looking at Dean, "burger" he said, "okay" she said and picked up the menus and walked away. I took a swig and felt the nice burn go down my throat. "So when did Supernatural come into your life" Dean asked, "when my sister got killed" I said. "What killed her" he asked, I looked up at him and said "a Demon, I was sleeping and I felt something drip on my head and opened my eyes and saw my sister on the ceiling dead, her stomach was bloody and then she caught on fire so I ran out of my house, since my parents were gone in France I just told them she drowned, this happened 12 years ago, I was 12, she was 15". I said and tears streamed down my face. "You know that's how my mom died, and my brothers girlfriend" he said rubbing my hand. I looked up at him and he smiled, I smiled back then a wiped my tears away and our food came. The waitress smiled at us and left. I took a bite and smiled then I said. "I'm paying, don't argue with me" he looked at me smiling and said "but, if you pay that means I get to make out with you in the Impala". "Deal" I said, well he's hot so I really don't care. I saw him smirk while taking a bite of his burger.

We finished and I payed then we left to his Impala. I started to get in then he said "back seat". So I slid in the back and so did he. Then once he shut his door he smashed his lips on mine.

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