Everybody Loves Nati.

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Pick on the side is of Charlotte "Charlie" Monroe. Well what I picture her to look like. The beautiful and talented Kerry Washington.

Natalia woke up six hours later with a pounding headache. Everything that happen last night, but the lack of a throbbing in her lower region told her she didn't sleep with anyone. Thank god. The warm body next to her suggested something different. She turned over to see her sister Charlie next to her with a wide smile on her face.

"Charlie!" She screamed, then winced.

"Chuchi, we went throught this when you walked in the house at six in the morning drunk off you ass, unable to recogonize me and in tears because you missed your big sister, and i looked like her." Charlied said laughing as she watched heat rise to her sisters cheeks.

Nati covered her face, and once the pink tent left, grabbed Charlotte's hand. "I'm starving." she said dragging her into the living room, glad the area didn't have a lot of light.

They sang and dance around the kitchen while cooking.

A few minutes later Srew walked in and froze. Natalia was dancing around the kitchen in nothing but some underwear, a tank top, and an oversized button up t-shirt with all of the buttons undone.

Ofcourse his body would react immediatly. He tried to run to his bedroom, but found himself bumping into someone.

"Why, hello handsome." The new woman purred.

"Charlie who are you..." Nati trailed off when she turned around to see Drew standing there. "Drew." She smiles. He says nothing but a quick wave and rushes into his bedroom. She shrugs it off and continues cooking.

"Chuchi, you're going to kill that boy?" Charlotte laughed.

"What makes you say that?" Nati questioned.

"He couldn't even talk to you. In case you haven't noticed you're still dressed in extremly lacey underwear and and oversized shirt. That's like every man's wet dream." Charlotte laughed when she saw her sister's face go pink.

"Shut up." Nati said scowling at her older sister.

Meanwhile Drew is in his room trying to handle his situation. He'd have to walk through the livingroom in order to get to the bathroom for a cold shower, and he really didn't want Nati and whoever the woman was to see his extreme hard on. So for the first time in 3 years, he handled it himself.

"Oh god." He breathed out once he finished catching his breath and grabbing a few peices of tissue from the box Abby kept on the night stand. You'd think he'd feel terrible for jacking off from the thought of his roomate rather than his girlfriend, but in all honesty it didn't bother him. He was so confused. Was it possible to be in love with two people? And everyday his love for Natalia grew, his love for abby slowly faded. I'm a horrible person. He thought. He cleaned up, the best he could, and went to see who the woman was. Hoping that Nati was dressed.

Thank god she had at least put on sweats. "Oh!" Nati breathed out startled when she realized Drew was in the room. "Drew this is my sister Charlotte, and Charlotte this is my roommate Drew."

Drew reached his hand out for a handshake but was quickly pulled onto the couch beside Charlotte. "Do you like my sister?" She asked bluntly. "I mean I know that you're attracted to her because your hard on was digging into my damn stomach, but"

"Wait for it..."

"Do you like her, or do you just want to boink her?"

"There it is ladies and gentlemen, Classic Charlie." Nati said in a bored tone. "Charlie the girl who let you in yesterday is his girlfriend."

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