Chapter 19 - The Final Feeling

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Soon enough and after some amount of traveling, the looming idea that we were coming back into Bloodstone port in at least a day were tearing through everyone's minds, the idea that we'd lost one person and that finally it was all over and that I'd be able to go back home and forget about everything that had happened, but a part of me didn't want to forget it all, a part of me wanted to remember and to be happy with the memories this has created, but I know I have to forget. If I don't I could become attached, corrected, more attached to Reaver than I already am and if anyone found out that I loved such an amoral man...they'd simply turn against me. Loving such a man would be sin even for the evilest people in Albion for even some of them turn their backs on the tycoon. Yet I knew some would recognize me un-boarding the ship, but maybe they wouldn't. Regardless I'd have to take the chance.

Thoughts swirled my mind of how I was going to say goodbye to Reaver and how I was going to just have to leave and go back to my duties whilst thinking up an excuse the whole time, and I was thinking so much that not even alcohol was blunting my headaches, so I decided to turn to Reaver.

I waited until the night was calm and everyone was mostly in their cabins before I came up from the below decks, still missing the place where Emily would sit, and I went to his cabin, about to knock on the door before I hesitated, my heart thumping inside of my chest. What would I say?

"R-Reaver?" I slowly stuttered out as I rested my hand gently against the door, the dampness causing a chill to go throughout my body and I took it almost like an adrenaline shot, knocking three times hard on the door, hearing a clatter from inside almost as if there was a fright from within.

As I was going to turn the handle to let myself in, the door swung open and there was Reaver in the door frame with an awkward smile. It was clear I'd scared him.

"Ah my Queen, what a lovely time to see you! Please do come in." He said in his usual sly way as he grasped onto my hand and pulled me into his cabin before shutting the door behind me, doing his usual glance around to make sure nobody saw before turning to me and grinning.

"My you look as elegant as ever in the outfit," He began as he gazed at me. "You may look better without it although." He said as he brought a hand to his face as if thinking and I scoffed at him and sighed, he was still as perverted as ever at times, and it didn't help that I wanted to have a serious conversation with him about...going home.

"Why don't we have a drink and-"

"I want to discuss my freedom." I said in a strong tone, moving to the bed and sitting gently on the corner as his face turned shocked and conflicted for a moment, perhaps at me cutting him off or perhaps at what I said, but regardless he looked startled.

"Why we've already spoken about it! Once we get to Bloodstone bay you may be free!"

Although his words were strong, there was a waver in his tone with every second or third word, as if he was chocking back saying something or that he was struggling to keep his tone proper. I don't know what it was, but it was there.

"Yes but...are you truly alright with me walking away?" I asked him as I placed my hands on my lap as the ship creaked and moved gently as he moved over to his chair, sitting and crossing his legs over.

"I mean, as the Queen I have no right to say where you go and where you stay. My dear, that is not for me to decide." He puffed to me as he crossed his arms over his chest, making me sigh out and rub my face in frustration.

That was always something about Reaver I found hard to deal with, and he still did it to this day, even my mother spoke of this. Reaver has a pleasant way of dancing around things and either making them less than what they are or not giving his opinion at all, and I must say it brings me anger at times. I remember back in the courts before the battle with the darkness that he used to give his side of the arguments in very smart ways, dancing around the bad parts and saying how much it could benefit me. I guess it's just a trick he's learned after so many hundreds of years of being alive, yet still it makes me want to punch him.

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