Chapter 20 - I pity you (FINAL)

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After the party in my manor that I'd newly come back to, I decided to take some time alone in my study before going to rest, sitting with my diary wide open and a quill in my hand, not quite sure what to write, but without even knowing it, my emotions just...came out.

'I just got back today from my few weeks long trip on the new ships I had acquired from her late majesty, and I managed to get back all of the money I had lost all those years ago by that ex pirate king, not that any of that really matters I'm rich anyway. Yet, over this time, I lost two people who were on the ship with me, the Queen and her friend Emily, one of my maids. I do not know how I feel after these affairs. Yet, something that will never leave will be the look on her majesty's face as I pulled the trigger...It was...shocking really. The fact that I even did it was shocking, but I have to keep my status of being a man who should be feared had to be upheld, even if it meant killing someone that I, as some would put it, loved. I really am not sure how I am meant to feel, for I have indeed killed many people but..the look in her eyes were different. Anyhow, I hear someone coming'.

Raising my head up from my diary, hearing footsteps in the hall, I didn't even realize that I was gripping onto the leather in my chair. Perhaps internally I am more bothered by all of this than I really let myself know.

As I was in thought, all of a sudden I hear a knock, but not from a door, from the balcony that looks over my study and I raised my head upwards more and looked just past my shoulder to see a servant girl standing on the top.

"Master Reaver, a telegram has been sent for you. You are being summoned to Bowerstone castle...uh, right now." The young girl somewhat stuttered to me as I felt my whole body seize up on the spot. I knew that murdering a monarch would have its troubles but are they really ordering my execution now? Well, at least I got the party first.

Slowly arising from my seat, putting my diary down for what seems the last time, I grasp my cane from my chair and I quickly walk from my study, picking my gun up from a table nearby as I make my way outside, my carriage, as always, waiting for me.

"By Avo...I wonder how it feels to be hung." I mutter to myself right before I get into my carriage.

After an hour or two of travel, I couldn't help but think to myself about the Queen and what she was like. I abused her more than many I've met, and yet she didn't use her hero powers to murder me or to at least stun me to run, she just...submitted. She was a diamond in the rough and I know that now I have lost that diamond forever, as now she is dead and from my reach. I wonder whom shall take her place for I know she has no children. It's a curious subject manner, if she wasn't dead and if I wasn't involved I would've perhaps tried to take the place of monarch.

It was moments like this, when my mind wandered, that I knew I was mentally shutting down...


I spoke to Emily the whole time as we awaited Reaver to arrive, leaving him unknown to the fact that I was indeed alive and very much so ready to face him back in my position of power, and soon a maid came in to say that he'd arrived. I thought I'd play it all up even more, so I quickly moved from my throne to right behind it to keep myself hidden, leaving the chair empty as Emily hid behind a curtain.

Soon we heard the familiar heavy steps of Reaver entering the throne room, the sound of his cane hitting the floor audible, and from the distance I nodded to Emily to go first, and she did, leaving the curtains in her white dress walking towards him. As I peeked around, he all of a sudden looked horrified, perhaps he thought for a moment she was a ghost or something of that form, none the less he's dropped his cane and his eyes were opened wide.

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