Genre: Action/Shounen
Episodes: 366
Year: 2004
English Name: ...Bleach...?Plot: Ichigo Kurosaki, a 15 year old boy, has the ability to see Hollows, evil soul that haunt the dead and living. He can also see Shinigami, which are guardians of the Spirit World. He meets Rukia Kuchiki, a Shinigami in charge of his hometown, Karakura town. When his family is suddenly attacked by a Hollow, he calls on Rukia to save his dad and his sisters. (His mom is deceased.) He is told that the only way to save them is to plunge a Zanpaktou, a Shinigami sword, into his heart, transferring Rukias powers to him with a low chance. And that's where Ichigos adventure begins.
Sound and Animation: Made by Dentsu and Pierriot, I believe. It was pretty good animation for 2004! I couldn't believe that is actually was '04 when I looked on Wikipedia! There were like 15 openings, which were all pretty catchy, but like 20 something endings, which were hard to remember except for the first like, 3. Overall, pretty good!
Rating: For Bleach, since I watched this from grade 2-3, I was really young, and didn't really appreciate a lot about sound, or story boarding, but when I look back and think of anime, this is what comes to mind. 8.5/10 for a Shounen.
Remember: Please don't get but thirst or take this too personally, please!