Genre: Romance
Year: 2014
Episodes: 12
English Name: Kamigami no Asobi
Plot: A girl named Yui lives at a shrine, with no plans or goals for life. While wandering around the farm, she finds a mystical sword in a shed, and gets transported to a magical school created by Zeus, and inhabited only by an assorted mixture of Greek, Norse, Egyptian, and Japanese gods. Zeus claims that she was brought here to teach them love and virtue every day. Due to the laws of reverse harem, many of these gods start to fall in love with Yui. Since they are a handful of temperamental teenage gods, things get very... "Dramatic."Animation and Sound: I can't really remember the animation style, but the catchy openings and nicely animated endings had style and even had the seiyuu singing in the ed! This was originally a game, but adapted into a well animated and sounding anime by Brain's Base and Tomoyuki Kawamura.
Rating: Personally, I would give this an 7.7 out of 10, since some of the episodes in the middle were a bit lackluster, but at the end, NO SPOILERS, the action and story line was amazing, even for a romance show.
Character MVP:
Best: Loki forever!
Worst: Balder! You suck!
OTP: Loki x Yui
Remember: Everybody has different opinions. This is just my personal rating. You could love this anime or hate it, but this is only my opinion, so don't take it too much to heart and please don't skip anything.- Kuro