Runnind to Phenoix Drop

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Your Pov

I ran and ran until I tripped on a stick and face planted on.. Gravel? I looked up and saw a Huge wall!. Well not as big as min- that got destroyed by my lille brother a year ago. I stand up and jumped on a tree.. Scouting then I see.. KATELYN?! My eyes widened. I jumped off the tree. I jumped on top of her. Giggling "gah!" She throwed me down as she looked behind her and screamed. She dive hugged me "OMFG mysterious!?" She looked soo happy it made me smile. I stood up and dusted myself, Katelyn did the same "Let me show you someone!" She said happily she grabbed my hand and booked it too this someone. She ripped my hand.she stopped. I looked up. I smiled"GARROTH!! I ran too him he turned around and made the funniest toothy grin. I jumped on him as he lifted me up and swung me around. "How were you since you ran away!?" My smile faded away.

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