Her and H-HER!?

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Your Pov

"I'm shaking in fear!" I heard a beautiful sing. I stopped with Aaron and turned to the voice. "Why did you leave me?" I then heard a guitar start "what happened to me?" It went again "can you tell me?" Then again "Why?!" I stopped and creeped to the voice
"Why me!?" I heard the guitar go harder "I wanna be alone but then you left me~" "What's wrong with you and why'd you leave me~!" I checked in the bushes to see Andee with her fox mask.. "I wanna sing it all- out~ but you left me without, you're heart or soul, cause you left me~" Andee stopped and looked down "Alone..~" then inched her head up.. "Alone..!" "Alone!" "ALONE!" She started to go harder on her guitar to match her voice.. She stood up fully and puffed her chest " This could of been love~ you left with another girl to love on~ I want love!~" and it looks like I found it~" she sighed "a girl who's right! Who loves me! She has baby blue hair and those blue eyes! Tear me apart!" She looked up at the sky " it rained when you left! But when that girl came!" She turned "cha-a-a-a-a-a-" she stopped and let a soft tear come down "you changed me!" " I love you~" she stopped and looked up "Katelyn.." I clapped she jumped and turned to us "who!? What!?" I walked out smiling. She turned Crimson "get out!" She laughed. She pushed me. I giggled "so you like Katelyn!" I smirked. "Y-yeah.." Andee stuttered, scratching the back of her neck. She looked down " I bet she doesn't like me.." Andee sighed.. I face palmed.. "The dance is tonight! You can tell her there!" I smiled, of course, hyped. "Really!?" Andees face lit up.. "YE!" I squealed. "Wait.. Who's the man?" I giggled "WAIT WERE NOT MARRIED!!!!!" She screamed annoyed and Embarrassed. " COME HERE!" Andee yelled and chased me.. I ran like da wind screaming bloody murder. Until I heard a thud. I turned to see Andee laying on Kateylen, while kissing. I squealed. They Jolted up blushing.. "UH.. Hoi..?" Andee tried to stat but failed.. "Hi?" Katelyn answered blushing "I'm g-ganna go.." Andee whimpered, then left.. Wired..." Do you like Andee?" Kateylen turned Crimson "m-maybe?" Katelyn answered, killing herself..I smirked " your ganna see!" I laughed...

Hola pups! How we doin? Good?! Kay! Sooo,.... I like Katelyn. In da book..

Laurence: *crys*

Kateylen: * blushing*

You: that's good!

Andee (me): XD!


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