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Larunce Pov

I ran over to the most manliest most girlyist scream EVERY! I walked over too it and saw the most beautiful girl ever. "Who's are you?" "..." "Let's call her Foxy!" Then the cute girl flopped over.

Your Pov

"Z-Zane!" Tears streamed out of my eyes. "WHY!?"I was mad."oh sweet foxy! What's your sad problem?" " THIS!"I slammed my sword on his lip. He groaned I pain as he stumbled back. A tear fell down his cheek. Fire every where. People screaming. Seeing people die hurt my mental state. I felt something ripping threw me. I screeched in pain. Zane was starring at me, horrified. I looked down too see fur. I smiled insanely. I ran too him, dug my claws in his arm and through them down. Crimson liquid drew everywhere. I raced back and saw his cuts forming his normal pale skin on top of them. But the one on his lip. "w-w-WHAT!?" I began turning insane. "Bye foxy!" He threw me into a tree and blackness filled my vision.

Flashback ends

1 Tear fell down on my cheek. I wiped it,"I-I'm coming up" I said softly they looked confused but nodded. I climbed up but ran into the woods.

What up pups! So I'm ganna announce something today! It'll come soon I promise! Sorry it too to long I've been talking to the coolest person ever! Give a drum role please! (Cricket sounds) wow that's hurtful. Any way look at this cool person! JamFox251!!! EKK! COOLEST PERSON EVER any way! BOI!!!!!!!!!

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