Chapter 4- Settling In

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It took Mira almost all of the day to reach the palace. But that was mostly because she kept stopping and exploring everything that looked interesting instead of taking what seemed to be elevator transporters- she'd definitely have to try those later. A huge, delighted grin lit up her face the entire time, people had no choice but to return her smile. Even with the scar she had given herself, it was still easy to see her beauty. It radiated from her as would the first light of dawn. She danced everywhere with a childlike delight, absolutely fascinated in everything and everyone she met. She ended up at the palace with several free sample sizes of everything and little pieces of candy from enchanted vendors.

She walked through the servant's entrance into a bustling, yet efficient and organized, kitchen. It wasn't very hard to identify the person in charge of this immaculate machine. She stood taller and everyone maintained a respectful distance. Mira approached the woman with a hopeful look, "Excuse me...?"

"How can I help you, child?" The woman asked with the smallest of smiles as she looked at the young woman with a compassionate and curious gaze. Quickly taking in the scar and falsely assuming that this girl must have been injured in the attack and unable to receive immediate medical attention. And too poor to receive an operation to return her face back to its original beauty.

Mira smiled charmingly and shook her head, "The question is, what can I do for you?" She asked, almost playfully before her face turned a bit more serious, "Do you have any work for me?" Servants knew everything. They went everywhere. And, if they did their job well, they were even invisible. It was the perfect vantage point to gain any information on the man in her dreams. She hoped that there was something that she could do.

The woman pressed her lips together softly as she thought through everything before she gave a small nod, "Yes. I can't guarantee you work in a few months. But right now, with all of restoration occurring, I need the extra sets of hands." She gave a mall smile at the grin that infused Mira's face and gestured for the young woman to follow as she began walking across the large kitchen. "My name is Gerd and I am the Mistress of the Household, but you may call me Mistress." She stated before she looked at the woman beside her with an amused glint in her eyes, "And what shall I call you? You do have a name, I'm sure."

Mira smiled sheepishly at the realization that she had not introduced herself and bobbed quickly, "I'm called Mira, Mistress."

Mistress gave a tiny smirk of amusement and nodded, "It's good to meet you." Her face turned professional as she opened the door to a closet, "Now Mira, you shall be and do whatever I need you to be or to do. I will need your help in almost every aspect of the palace. Food, cleaning, the gardens, and so on." She began as she sifted through the uniforms that were hanging on the wall for her new employee. "You will report to me directly and then I will set you under someone for the day. Understood?" She asked solemnly, though not unkindly.

"Understood, Mistress." Mira answered with an earnest smile.

Mistress returned Mira's smile with a small one of her own, before handing her a uniform, "Here, it will change size to fit you. All of the palace uniforms are the same style, but the color will change based on the department in which you are working. Blue is for the infirmary, green is for the gardens, pink is for the indoor workers, brown is for those who take care of the animals, and orange is for the kitchen workers. The broach on your overdress will change the color of your uniform when I give you your assignment. And here..." She handed her two more dresses and two different pairs of shoes, "...are two spares and your shoes, one pair is more sturdy for when in the gardens or with the animals, the other is for when you work inside."

Mira moved quickly to take everything off the Mistress's hands her mind whirring as she kept up with the massive amounts of information that was being spouted off to her. The Mistress was already walking away at a brisk pace. Mira allowed herself a small, overwhelmed smile as she did her best to acclimate to the new order that her life was going to be for the foreseeable future.

"Since this is a time where much work is needed, you are a part of a group of young people hired to help with all that must be done. Like you, their duties will vary day to day depending on the circumstances. You will sleep with the girls in the servants' quarters, and eat in the servants' hall for breakfast and lunch. You may be called upon to serve dinner to the rest of the palace occupants, when you do not you will also eat dinner in the servants' hall. And-" Mistress Gerd paused and glanced behind her at the young girl and realized that she might be overwhelming the poor child. Her face softened but she had no time to coddle anyone, however this Mira didn't seem too far out of her depth. "Don't worry child. Just shadow the girls who have been her longer and you'll pick up the routine of the days splendidly."

Mira's eyes widened almost imperceptibly before she smiled sweetly and shook her head. "Don't worry over me, Mistress Gerd. I'll adapt quite nicely I'm sure! Twill be easy in such an efficiently run household such as this." She replied, smoothly complimenting her new employer in a way that revealed the sincerity of her words, making the compliment all the more alluring because of its truthfulness. It was quite pleasing to see that the compliment did its intended work of softening the formidable woman to the point that Mistress Gerd laid an affectionate hand on her shoulder before gently leading her to the servant's quarters to set her up.


A few hours later Mira had gone and retrieved her bag and returned to the servants' quarters and settled in comfortably, quickly and easily making friends with the other girls that were bunking with her in their branch of the servant's wing. It was suppertime by the time she was done unpacking and setting her things just so. She and couple of the girls hooked arms with soft laughter and made their way to the servant's mess hall for supper when Mistress Gerd intercepted them. "Girls! I am sorry, but two of the regular serving girls are indisposed for the evening and will be unable to attend to their regular duties. I know none of you have any experience with serving supper, but I need two volunteers."

"I volunteer, Mistress." Mira managed to reply confidently but demurely, when in all reality her heart jumped at the thought of being able to see her mark sooner rather than later. Ethel, the girl whose arm was weaved through Mira's right was the second to volunteer. Mira fought to keep the blush of excitement off her cheeks before realizing that any commoner would be thrilled to have the chance to get such a close look at their royalty and she let her cheeks glow softly with delight. Mistress Gerd was obviously pleased that she didn't have to strong-arm any of the girls into serving supper that evening and quickly handed the two girls rolls stuffed with meat and cheese to eat since they would be unable to eat supper until much later that evening. She quickly instructed them on what they must do before waving a hand over the brooches, turning the dresses pink for indoor service. She shooed the girls off to join four of the regular serving girls for final direction before supper began.

Mira absorbed all of the hurried instruction perfectly and took her place with the others, unconsciously holding her breath as she waited for the huge golden doors in front of her to open, a platter of fruits in her hands. Finally the supper gong struck and the doors opened. She couldn't contain the small gasp of awe as she beheld the glorious banquet hall before her. Her eyes darted to and fro, discreetly trying to take in as much of the beauty as she could before she had to focus on her task. Her gazed roved over the beautiful people laughing and chatting at the long rectangular table before her breath caught and her eyes froze on the most beautiful man she had ever seen and had always seen in her life. Loki... Her mind breathed softly.

Loki felt someone's gaze on him, which had never been unusual for him considering that he was a prince as well as rather handsome if the giggles of the ladies in the court were anything to judge by. And right now he was masquerading as the Allfather, making attention an occupational hazard. But this felt... different. His gazed pierced through the crowd and directly into the eyes of a servant girl.

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