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They knew they would have to break up. Of course, it wasn't ideal, nor it seeming even livable for both of them. But they had to. Kylee was being moved to another foster home, one far away from Love, far away from the idea of the lifetime they wanted together. The foster home didn't approve of use of cell phones, or contact with old friends from old homes. A good rule for the children, but the ultimate murderer of their relationship. 

When Kylee had first told Love, Love hadn't realized what it had meant. 

"You'll be going to a different school?" Love snorted. "Hopefully one without uniforms. Those are the worst ones. Although, you never know. Could be sexy." 

"I don't think you understand." Kylee had quietly replied, watching as Love gulped down the chocolate milk that came with their shitty school lunches. "I can't do... this" she gestured to Love's other hand, which was engulfing hers "anymore." 

Of course Love hadn't taken it well. In the end, they had agreed to cut it off abruptly, as kill any tears or anything to follow. 

And that's how Kylee had ended up laying at the old park by her house, at 4 in the morning. 

Of course, Love showed up. 

"I thought we wouldn't do this." Kylee whispered as Love settled herself into the grass next to her. 

Love shrugged. "I decided against that." She turned over, looking into Kylee's eyes. "Kylee Kraft, I love you." 

Through tears, Kylee smiled. "I love you too, Love." 

They smiled at each other, before Love rolled onto her back. 

After a few minutes, Kylee broke the silence. "How did you know I'd be here?" 

Love shrugged. "Wild guess. This was the place we had our first date, after all." 

"You remember that?" 

Love snorted. "Are you kidding? I remember everything that day. I remember spending three hours trying to figure out what to pack for the picnic that didn't come off as too snobbish. I remember seeing you walk towards me from your car, and how my heart almost stopped working right then and there." Love smirked lovingly. "You and your black shirt, and black pants, and black shoes, and-" 

Kylee laughed. "I get it. Too much black for a first date." 

Love held up a finger. "I'm not done. And..... black underwear." 

"As if you'd know. We didn't even kiss that night." 

"But I remember wanting to kiss you." Love said, in a softer voice now. "I remember staring at your lips like they were candy." She smiled and shook her head softly. "You were perfect. You still are." 

Kylee smiled and moved her body closer to Love's. They stared at the stars in silence, the smallest hint of the sun appearing. 

"So when do you leave?" Love said, as her breathing became more jagged. 

"6 am." 

"We have an hour." 

"What do you want to do?" 

"Hmmm.." Love murmured, mocking stroking a beard. "Want to hear what would have happened if the foster system hadn't taken you away from me?" 

Kylee laughed softly, the tears already starting to form. "Shoot." 

"Well, first of all we would have graduated together." 

"A given." 

"Of course. And then we would find a nice place to live, maybe California." 

"California is too hot. My wardrobe would kill me." 

"True. Alright, what about Oregon? You'd be able to go to that one drumming class you always talk about and I would be an amazing stay at home mother." 


"Why of course! Unless you don't want kids. And then I guess we could just settle for some dogs." 

There was a tear rolling down Kylee's cheek as she laughed. "Kids are fine."

"Good. Because I'm totally partial to those cool Greek god names." 

"Greek god?" 

"Yeah! Like Artemis or some cool shit like that." 

Kylee laughed. "And what would Artemis be like?" 

"Carries after her mother, obviously."

"Which one?" 

"You. She'll be the most beautiful creature the kids in her class will ever lay eyes on, and-" 

"Never talk?" 

"She talks when she needs to. Like when her girlfriend finally gets up the courage to tell her she loves her, she'll respond." 

"Are you kidding? When you told me for the first time, I nodded!" 

"Well obviously she'll get our better traits." Love objected. "Like, she'll decide to pursue a practical career like a lawyer or something instead of being like my dumb ass and decide singing is a legitimate job." 

"Heey." Kylee looked directly at Love. "I love your dumb ass." 

Love smiled at her soulmate, counting the freckles on her fair skin as she felt a tear of her own roll down her cheek. "How... How much time do we have left?" 

"It's five thirty." 

"Want to watch the sunrise together?" 

"Of course." 

When asked about that sunrise, Kylee will always say that it was the most beautiful thing she had every laid eyes on. Of course, she'd be lying because the entire time the sun came out, she was too engulfed in Love's eyes, her hair, her skin, her laugh, the way she looked back at her like the only thing that mattered, to even see the sunrise. 

The sunrise came eventually, as did 6. 

"Do you believe in fate?" Love had asked Kylee, as she was getting into her car to start the drive. 


Tears trickling down Love's face, she responded, voice cracking. "We'll see each other again." 

"I know." 

"I love you so goddamned much." 

"I love you too." 

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