The Wild Brunch

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"I always knew you had a heart behind those sarcastic remarks." Serena smiled nudging Taylor. "Please, I just wanted to punch Chuck Bass. Even if it was to save Jenny Humphrey." Taylor replied bored.

"Whatever you say, Archibald." Serena smiled. "You know you're right. I'll just go straight over to Brooklyn now and celebrate Jenny Humphrey's greatness. Then we can have a couples massage and dance the night away." Taylor replied sarcastically.

Serena laughed. "You know that's not what I meant." Serena smiled. Taylor rolled her eyes. "Don't think I don't know why you're here Van Der Woodsen. And the answer is: no, I will not beg for Blair Waldorf to forgive you." Taylor drawled bored.

"But I have to go Bart Bass' Brunch." Serena whined with a pout. "Well then you can go with Humphrey or something." Taylor replied dismissively. "But he's in Brooklyn. Plus he waved at the end of our date." Serena sighed.

"He waved?" Taylor asked looking up from her magazine to raise an eyebrow. "Yes. Waved." Serena groaned. "This Dan guy sounds like a jerk." Taylor replied. "You're only saying that because he lives in Brooklyn." Serena laughed.

"Maybe. But I just never though Serena Van Der Woodsen would sink as low as Brooklyn Boy." Taylor retorted. "I've sunk lower." Serena muttered. "Like our best friend's boyfriend, my brother." Taylor suggested.

"You never told me how you found out anyway." Serena frowned. "Well, me and Chuck Bass were having a very pleasant walk until we walked into you porn reenactment." Taylor frowned. "We traumatised you didn't we?" Serena asked laughing.

"So where were you this morning?" Blair asked sipping on her champagne. "Listening to the pleas of Serena Van Der Woodsen. She said she was coming to the brunch." Taylor shrugged.

"You didn't succumb to her pleas did you?" Blair asked. "Most certainly not. But you know, Brooklyn Boy waved at the end of their date." Taylor replied chuckling. "He waved? Cabbage Patch Kid waved?" Blair laughed.

"What was that nickname?" Taylor frowned in confusion. "That sister of his talked to me this morning. Wondering if you were talking about her." Blair said. "Her name briefly came up in conversation amongst Serena's pleas." Taylor shrugged.

"Sarcastically?" Blair asked. "Duh." Taylor replied. Then she frowned as she saw a familiar face. "Yay. This day just got better. Now I can exchange friendship bracelets with my Freshman bestie." Taylor said sarcastically. "Ah, another time now." Blair grinned.
"Hey, Archibald." Chuck smirked. "What do you want Bass? I would be more than happy to do target practice with your face." Taylor retorted. He handed her a key.

"A key to my suite. Blair was in tears, saying she needed you." Chuck explained. Taylor frowned in suspicion. "Thank you, Bass." She replied suspiciously. Then she pressed the elevator button.

When she walked in, Nate, Serena and Blair were arguing. "How cute a lover's spat. Now can someone tell me what's going on?" Taylor sneered. They all turned to her.

"What are you doing here?" Nate asked confused. "Why, brother, your roommate said Blair ran up in tears. I came here to do damage control." Taylor explained. "Oh how sweet! Yet again, Taylor Archibald has proven she has a heart." Serena smiled.

"Might I remind you Van Der Woodsen, you and my brother's dirty deeds were witnessed by me and Chuck Bass. Not only that, but I have a photograph of the two of you about to touchdown. So next time you speak to me, keep that in mind." Taylor hissed.

"Wait, you saw that? And Chuck?" Nate asked. "Yes brother I did. It was traumatising to witness but I unfortunately can't un-see it." Taylor retorted. "You could try bleach." Chuck said walking in behind her.

"You know what? Your little Waving Boyfriend will know the truth." Blair said running out. Nate and Serena ran after her. "Kudos for pulling off such a well-planned scheme." Taylor said to Chuck before walking calmly after them.

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" Dan asked. "Yes. You should know all about Serena and her dirty--" Blair started. "Blair please! Don't do this." Serena begged.

"Okay seriously what's going on?" Dan asked. Taylor turned to Dan with a smirk,on her face. "Hello Waver." She smiled 'innocently' while everyone else was distracted.

"Hello Jenny's saviour." Dan replied. "Thanks. But let's take a walk. I'll tell you everything." Taylor said with a dangerous smile. "Okay. I guess. But will Serena mind?" Dan replied.

Taylor scoffed. "We're best friends." Taylor told him. As they got out of The Palace Hotel, Dan breathed a sigh of relief. "Cooped up in there isn't it?" Taylor asked sweetly. "Just tell me what's going on." Dan pleaded.

"Well, Brooklyn Boy, Serena's not your perfect little angel. So before you fall for the perfect girl, in her perfect world. You should know, Nate cheated on Blair. With Serena. All very shameful and hush, hush. So don't tell a soul. You can keep your Brooklyn mouth shut. Right?" Taylor told him.

"Dan! You're still here." Serena said in relief. "Good! So I can tell him!" Blair grinned. "Too late. Taylor already did." Dan said glaring at Serena. Taylor gave Serena a sarcastic smile and a sarcastic wave.

"Boo hoo. No happy ending for Serena or Brooklyn Boy. And to think, so many dates. You could've waved for a lifetime." Taylor smirked. "I knew I was your best friend for a good reason." Blair grinned.

"Ah, yes, let's skip down the sidewalk linking arms. Wearing matching friendship bracelets." Taylor drawled sarcastically. Chuck chuckled (a/n: pun alert!). "Taylor why would you do that?" Serena frowned.

"You say that like we're friends." Taylor retorted. "I thought we were." Serena said looking hurt. "We were. Until you betrayed my best friend, showing your true colours. Then, you ran away to Connecticut without a word." Taylor replied glaring at her.

"Look around, Serena. No one here likes you. Basstard just finds your drama amusing, Nate doesn't want to talk to you, Blair will hardly even look at you, Brooklyn Boy knows you're a slut and I despise everything about you." Taylor sneered.

Ouch, T, way to deliver the blow to S. But I suppose you're right. Everyone hates her. Lonely Boy, Queen B, Basstard, King N and you, T. Why did S come back? Why did she leave? These are two questions everyone's asking about our Bad Girl gone Good. Tell me all your secrets...
Gossip Girl

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