The Handmaidens Tale

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"Let me guess, you're the reason I'm going to your Masquerade Ball?" Taylor drawled sitting next to Blair and Serena. "Why of course. I can't have one of my best friends watching 'Friends' while I have the party of the year." Blair smirked.

"I suppose. But now I need to find a date." Taylor huffed. "It shouldn't be that hard." Serena replied. Taylor narrowed her eyes at Serena confused. "I mean you were a model. What more do I need to say?" Serena chuckled.

"Don't compliment me too much. Your Cabbage Patch boyfriend will get jealous." Taylor retorted making Blair snigger. "Please. He'd get jealous if Serena stood next to a potato." Blair laughed.

Serena shoved both of them lightly. "Hey! Dan's nice. I think I might've finally found a good guy." She pouted. "You said that about Alex Dermount. And his idea of a romantic date was going to a Strip Club." Taylor sneered.

"I swear you keep up with my love life better than me." Serena laughed. "Considering you were drunk during most of it... That would be accurate." Taylor shrugged. "And you gave all of them a test to make sure they were worthy." Blair sniggered.

"I thought you only did that with Blair's." Serena smiled. "Wait you gave your brother the test?" Blair laughed. "Of course I did. He may share my DNA but he is not an exception to my beloved test." Taylor shrugged.

"By the way, Humphrey got an F. That's definitely a warning sign." Taylor added smirking. Serena rolled her eyes. "What does this test consist of anyway?" Blair asked curiously.

"What would be the fun in telling you?" Taylor retorted.
Taylor looked at herself in the mirror of Blair's room. She looked nice. She looked fine. "You look gorgeous." Taylor heard a familiar voice whisper in her ear. Rory Jameson. Her date.

"Don't you know about personal space?" Taylor snapped turning to him. "Charming as ever I see." Rory snorted. "Let's just get this over with Jameson." She sneered picking up her mask. Rory smirked and took her hand.

"Whatever you say darling." Rory smirked. "Don't you dare call me that." Taylor snapped leading them down the stairs to the party where everyone was dancing and smiling. But one person caught her eye.

Serena Van Der Woodsen. She looked as stunning as ever. Even with some nobody clinging to her arm. "Where's Brooklyn Boy?" Taylor asked walking up to her. "Oh. He doesn't really like these things." Serena sighed.

"Yet another Warning Sign. Proving yet again Manhattan always wins." Taylor grinned. Serena chuckled rolling her eyes. "Whatever. It doesn't matter." She shrugged and walked towards the dance floor.

"Wow. I was not expecting that..." Rory muttered. "Expecting what?" Taylor hissed. "For your heart to be stolen by Serena Van Der Woodsen. Or that you even had one." Rory replied. Taylor scoffed.

"Serena is simply a habit. Something to boost both my confidence and popularity." Taylor drawled boredly. "No. You're in love with Serena Van Der Woodsen." Rory grinned. "That's ridiculous." Taylor hissed dragging him onto the dance floor.

"You can deny it all you want. But the eyes are the window to the soul." Rory replied wisely. "You're overanalysing." Taylor retorted. "Don't worry Taylor. I'll keep your dirty little secret." Rory smirked.

"There's no dirty secret to keep." Taylor huffed but her eyes were trained on Serena as she danced. "Says the girl watching Serena like a creep." Rory chuckled. "I'm just impressed by her dancing skills." Taylor sneered looking at Rory.

"Plus anything's better than looking at your ugly face." Taylor smirked. "Ouch. That hurts." Rory said holding his heart dramatically. "Have you see, Serena?" Nate asked Taylor.

Taylor turned to where Serena was previously dancing. Not a person in sight. "No clue." Taylor replied boredly.

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